Big Game Season Canceled

I hunt (and work) exclusivley on a military base. This poses certain risks that are not normaly expirienced during your normal hunting adventures. ( Yes you can out run a tank lol ). My entire big game hunting season has had to be cancled due to military training. Thats the bad news. The good news is that the Colorado Division of Wildlife is going to refund the affected hunters their license fees (mine was 1 ea doe and cow tag), reinstate our points to the pre draw level and give us one additional point as if we did not draw a licencse this year.

In addition to that I had purchased an OTC Bull tag and a bear tag for the same season. I have already surrendered those tags for a refund. Due to other commitments I will not be able to do any big game hunting this year.

Oh well There is always ducks and small game this year. Next year I should have enough point to get buck or either sex tag.

Ruck up! Get it up and get it on!!!
Bad news indeed... but you seem to have the right attitude.

I just want to say thank you for your service. I appreciate the sacrifice service men and women around the world make to protect our freedoms.

Thanks :thumb
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"PhillyB" wrote:Bad news indeed... but you seem to have the right attitude.

I just want to say thank you for your service. I appreciate the sacrifice service men and women around the world make to protect our freedoms.

Thanks :thumb
+1 :thumb =D> 10sign:
"PhillyB" wrote:Bad news indeed... but you seem to have the right attitude.

I just want to say thank you for your service. I appreciate the sacrifice service men and women around the world make to protect our freedoms.

Thanks :thumb

X2 Here Here.
Sorry to hear your bad luck but like you said at least you've got small game. I always tell myself it could always be worse when in sittuations like yours or orver seas and in time it makes your future experiences that much sweeter and special!
good luck with the training. :thumb
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I have realy got to learn to express myself more consiesly (spelling).

I am a retired army NCO that works on an army base. We conduct simulations to assist units in their training for deployment.

When I said cancled due to military training I ment that all of the installation trainig areas (hunting areas) would be in use during the third season.

A lot of these guys are headed back for the 2nd time. Some for the 3rd or 4th. [-o< ](*,)

Brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it.

There id dedication. Then there is DEDICATION :thumb :not-worthy