BIG Louie

sent to me in an a email by a friend

This buck was found dead by hunters by Petersburg, ND. Just goes to show:
they're out there! WOW.

The news is out. After keeping this brute a perfect secret all throughout
the season "Big Louie" was found dead by pheasant hunters on my friends
neighboring property. The 250" buck was discovered by my friend Darin and
his neighbor neighbor Mark.

Here's the story.

Early season I received a
phone call from Darin, my good buddy. His voice sounded as if he had just
shot a buck so i asked him what he got... He told me that nothing was dead but to
get to his place as soon as I could so he could show me something. I drove over
and looked at his computer and saw the biggest buck i had ever seen on a trail
camera. We sat there and talked about how he was going to hunt him, how to
stay calm, how to go about the whole process of getting this buck, and how we
couldn't even speak of this Monarch. From then on Darin told me he was in
bowhunting mode and would settle for nothing less of the buck that had been
named "Big Louie" by Mark.

All season I heard the was stories from
them both and saw that no matter what they tried, it was always outsmarting
them. He wouldn't be that big if he couldn't outsmart them...Darin
didn't use a firearm all season. He told me that he was not going to go out
and hunt during the firearms season and had to just sit around and pray that
"big Louie" would make it through. They would see him plenty during
the bow season, but never in range.

Later in the season, just about a week
or so ago the buck was found dead by pheasant hunters on John Grosboll's property
in Petersburg. The property was right next to Darin's lease... Either way,
it was a tragic way to see this monster go down. They ruled the death as
natural causes. here are some pictures." alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />
WOW, what an absolute BRUTE. Amazing deer, thanks for the photos and story. 10sign:
WOW!! what a pig. i would be hard to stay calm on a buck like that
NO KIDDING! That thing is an absolute PIG!
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You just don't see big deer like that ,,,even in a lifetime. It's too bad it died of natural causes
"dan walker" wrote:You just don't see big deer like that ,,,even in a lifetime. It's too bad it died of natural causes
I don't know....I think it's kind of cool that he managed to ellude hunters, cars, predators, etc and die of natural causes.
wow what a shame that he is gone. But how great to have had him there.
Thats a shame that they couldnt put a tag on that buck, wow what a pig.