Big Oklahoma Whitetail
10/24/08 8:53am
Here is a buck taken in Oklahoma on Oct. 17th, 2008. The buck has 23 scorable points, and the rack has an inside spread of 26 ¾ inches. He was aged at eight-and-a-half years old and tipped the scales at 186 lbs. whole weight. Hog-dressed, the buck went 139 lbs. Ronny Lambeth’s buck has been “green scored” at a gross measurement of 201 4/8, with a net score of 197 2/8 after deductions. I have enclosed pics of the buck in 2005 and also. You can see the age has declined the antler growth a little. This was a buck that had been named the ace of spades by the wildlife department on the McCalister Army Ammunition Plant propertiy
CONGRATS to the lucky hunter.