big oregon bulls

here is a few pics of some bulls a guy took in eastern oregon
a couple more to look at
Good gravy!! Those are HUGE!! :thumb
i'm not sure if its a hoax or not --- take a look at that second bull--- if you look real close at his right ear you can see a red dot, like maybe a back side of an ear tag??????????????? im just wondering haven't heard of anything fishy at all and i cant find anything like the red dot on any of the other bulls---- maybe if someone knows how to zoom in real close and clear up the picture they can inform me what it is???????? and if it was a game farm i would think there would be evidence where there eating of some old hay or something maybe??????? tell me what you think
I'm thinking it's a farm with all those BIG bulls together like that. Just not something that happens in the wild. Great bulls none the less.
I'm thinking it's a farm with all those BIG bulls together like that. Just not something that happens in the wild. Great bulls none the less.
my sentiments exactly.

dont know for sure, not to spread rumors, but game farm would be my guess strictly due to the BIGNESS of the bulls.
i got an email containing these same pics, most of the other pics in the email were digitally "enhanced" if you will, but i cant tell if these are or not.
oh i agree they are a lot of really large bulls together but if that is an eartag i think it would be facing towards the camera and not behind the ear! but i really dont know one way or another i'm hopeing someone has a computer programe where they can zoom in and clearify if its a tag or not. but it obviuosly threw a red flag to me as well so it might be a game farm pic. if so-------------------- :>/ :>/ :>/
They dont ear tag the privatly owned elk here in MT so u can see em,some have a tatoo in the ear.IF thats NOT a game farm its the biggest heard of MONSTER bulls ever,,,GAMEFARM.
Killerbee, I had these same pics emailed to me about a month ago but the fella that sent them to me said they were from Yellowstone National Park. He didn't take the pics himself (They were sent to him just like I received them) but it makes sense that they were from SOMEWHERE where they were protected at least to an extent. I find it hard to believe that you'd find a collection of bulls like that together in any area where they are hunted regularly.
Of course, just like the rest of us, I got the information second hand and cannot collaberate any of it.
BEAUTIFUL bulls either way!
well once again the internet picks fall through!!!!!!!!! it is funny the guy who sent me the pic supposidly knows they guy who took the pic and even named the unit they were in!!! but i agree too good to be true!!!! big bulls though!!!! thats what i like about thid forum if you want to get to the bottem of something post it here!!!!!!!!!! thanks guys :thumb
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Those are diffinately some wall hangers, but they look farm fed to me. They look entirely to fat and healthy, especially after a hard rut.. Great pictures though...........
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very nice indeed ! big racks on big bulls !
Totally awesome.....getting my blood juiced up thinking about hunting and ut is still 9 months away!
those are awsome
wow nice but i cant see a red dot tho (???) :-k
what are you talkin bout a red dot?
look at his right ear {are left} on the inside of his ear looks like a red dot. i'm not posative though
o ya. ](*,) lol. sorry im a bit braindead tonight
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I zoomed one in and it doesn't look like a tag. A guy over in Ashwood had elk a number of year's ago and they had tag's, you couldn't miss them. Same over in Sister's. I had some photo's of the Sister's bunch and the tags were real hard to hide. Those in Sister's were all pot bellied to.
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:-k I live in oregon and I'd have to say, ummmm nope
Sorry but you can't fool me. Those are off Kings calender i have it. Lol.
i'm not trying to fool anyone , thats the reason i posted it on here is to get to the bottom of it. it came across my email as oregon bulls so, and thats why there here.-- Are they really in the kings calender? if you dont mind, post a pic