12/24/06 12:18pm
So I know this isn't a Mule Deer, but interesting none the less. I apologise if it's allready been posted. " alt="" />

Crazy! (@@)
I did a little surfin' when I first saw this pic (Can't remember where I originally saw it). I guess it's called "foundering". From what I read, it usually results from a sudden change in feed or the ingestation of certain minerals and such that the deer isn't normally used to. Although I couldn't find what types of food or minerals will cause this I'm gonna keep lookin'.
I know some woman that would kill to be able to grow nails like that though! Maybe I can market it!!!!!!!!
Like Waynedevore was correct, this happens when a deer's feedin' habits change abruptly or something else is introduced in large quantities. From what I can gather, this kind of growth is not unknown but is seldom seen in live or freshly killed game because it severly hampers the animal's ability to move about and makes it easy pickins for predators.
"The deer was hit and killed by a truck near Alma, WI. According to a local newspaper, biologists speculated that a diet high in proteins and minerals caused the deer to grow those long, curved hooves.
We ran the photo by a couple of our resident scientists and they said that while they may be off base, they suspect the animal was from a captive herd. They say that when a deer is fed excessive starch, primarily corn, founder lesions like elongated hooves can occur. EHD (Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease) and other diseases often cause deer hooves to crack, slough, etc., but not elongate and curve like that.
Body and rack wise, the buck was in good shape. Our biologists believe he was able to survive and prosper on those hooves because he was on welfare. They point out that many deer become dependant on backyard feeders and thus consume excessive corn/starch. While the animals might not be captive behind a fence or in a compound per se, they are conditioned to feed where groceries are easily accessible. You've heard it before--don't feed the deer!
BTW, the buck was reportedly placed in walk-in cooler at a bait shop for safe keeping. The owner of the shop said he planned a full-body mount."
Can actually kill them in the winter if you feed them also.
Here is what B&C has to say.
self made skis
I'd say he has gotten into someones grain barrel. we had a Shetland pony that did and it grew hooves like that the rest of its life. 15 yrs.
the bad part was she swelled up with gas and we had to stick a knife in her to let it out. WOW that smelled bad. #-o
she kicked in a walk door and ate enough that she couldn't fit back out it. (???)