Biggest 2 Point Ever - Update Video Included

I made it out to the Southern Utah hunt with the fam this year. Hunted two days and ended up with a nice two point. And I didn't believe there was such a thing.

My dad and I got into our spot early Monday, and were maybe 400 yards apart. Just as it was getting light another fellow and his son decided to walk in right in between us. Rather than have him scare all the deer out, we sent Brett (Mr. MuleyMadness) up and around.

About 1000 + yards another set of hunters (plenty of orange this year!!!) were hiking down the opposite side of the large canyon. They jumped some deer and I heard one shot. Several does and this buck I got came full speed down the caynon. I saw him way up high for a couple of seconds, just enough to see he was at least decent. I had no idea how many points, but assumed about a 3 or small 4.

I lost site of him, as he came down a little gut outside my view, but I knew he was high-tailing out the bottom. So I hurry and set down and watched the bottom of the gut, knowing if he flashed through, I would have 1 shot and he would be gone.

Sure enough, he came flying through the open spot, I was ready, and torched one off while he was running full speed at about 200 yards. I saw him lung, then disappear. I thought I had hit him.

Soon after I shot two more smaller bucks a little two, and a littler-little two came running through.

I sent my brother and friend down to check where I had shot while I waited and watched. Sure enough my brother shouted that I had gotten the biggest two point anyone ever has. So here he is.
All in all it was a really fun hunt. I saw 2 different bucks opening day, and shot and missed a 3 point. I was doing a push up a large canyon, and jumped several deer in front of me. I heard them rushing up the canyon, then a few seconds later, it sounded like one was rushing right at me.

Sure enough, a wounded two-point ran down and bedded down not 15 feet from me. Scared the daylights out of me. We ended up hiking out and found some hunters with a tag, and guided them back in to where he bedded down, and they ended up getting him.

Lastly for those who may not know, (as I don't post all too often) I do the programming for MuleyMadness. We've got some pretty slick updates/features coming up were going to roll out in the next few weeks, so check back often!


Here is a link to a short video...
That's pretty darn neat! Congrats!
My first deer was an 18" tall two point. I think he was about 18" wide. I'm gonna go home and dig him out of the bone pile and take a pic.
Awesome =D>
Pretty amazing shot to hit a running deer at 200 yards!!! Congrats a "nice 2 pt". :thumb
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Man what a goat. Looks like they've been eating good out there.
That is a huge two point. :not-worthy Congrats.
Was a blast and a fun hunt, we actually had a really good year. Been a blast this year, had some close calls on a couple of other nice bucks bigger than this.

My BRO did make a great shot on this buck on the run and dropped him in his tracks. He hit the dirt hard and never got back up, biggest 2-point we have ever killed. Actually the size of a 4-point buck. Pretty cool we thought, we all like him a lot. I post some more pics up and a short video clip later also.

Drew's buck goes 20 1/2" wide as a Forky. :)

Congrats BRO and thanks for the good times, MULEYMADNESS wouldn't exist without this mans skills and expertise. 10sign: 10sign:
And here I thought you were exaggerating about a big forky! You need to, at a minimum, mount the rack on a nice plaque. I'd go for a euro mount, though.

10sign: 10sign: 10sign: 10sign: 10sign:
Pretty buck!!! I killed a big 2 point too. Yours is a little bigger than mine though. :)
Nice forky :thumb
That thing is cool!


Thats a cool buck! I like those type. Congratulations!

PM sent.
Sweet buck!
that is cool! deffinatly worth shooting that forky :thumb
Congrats on a cool buck! 2 point with eye guards and tall and wide! :thumb
That is a cool looking buck for sure. Congrats on a nice shot and deer. Sounds like a time to always remember. :thumb
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Nice buck!

Just a question from a converted eastern count hunter:

The eye guards dont count as points?
"JLROOT" wrote:Nice buck!

Just a question from a converted eastern count hunter:

The eye guards dont count as points?
Some folks count them on mulies, some don't. I personally don't count them. I think the reason those of us who don't count them is because not all mulies have them.
Very cool buck! Congrats.
The eye guards dont count as points?
Out west at least were I grew up and come from. :) Eyeguards do not count for points in terms of 'speaking' the language. This would be called a 2-point, not a 6 pointer. But the eyeguards do and certainly count towards 'scoring' a mule deer and are most certainly 'points' if that make sense?
Neat looking buck. Great shot!
That is one big and cool two point!

Congrats, Koby
Nice forked horn......a mature buck for sure. Congratulations!
I am glad that deer is dead and not breeding all the does this year! Thanks for being a Management hunter! lol
"Show_Me_Your_Rack" wrote:I am glad that deer is dead and not breeding all the does this year! Thanks for being a Management hunter! lol
I do what I can. Society definilty owes me one now right? :)
Wow that thing is ridiculous! I agree you took a good buck out of the rut! :thumb