Bighorn sheep horns
1/27/08 1:28pm
When do bighorn sheep shed their outer shell? Also, when do pronghorn shed theirs?
As for you question I have no Idea. Just wanted to welcome you back.
Bighorn sheep never shed
The pronghorns here in the west desert start shedding in late october, but can pack them til late december when the new caritin (sp) pushes off the sheath
Colorado residents are reminded that the Colorado Division of Wildlife has posted a temporary emergency closure on wildlife-related recreational activities on public lands in the Gunnison Basin below 9,500 feet through May 15. Activities prohibited include all hunting and shed-antler collecting. Fishing is still permitted on Blue Mesa Reservoir and area streams. Collection of big horn sheep horns or skulls in sheep unit S70 is also prohibited. The full closure notice and a map can be viewed at the DOW web site:
From CDOW website.....
1. All bighorns, including ewes and desert bighorns, must be
inspected by a DOW officer or at a DOW office within 5 working
days of harvest. You must personally present sheep with horns and
skull intact. Harvest report is completed at that time. A permanent
marker will be attached to the horn of bighorn rams.
3. It is illegal to trade, transfer or sell ram heads or horns unless
DOW inspects and permanently marks horns.
4. The DOW permanently marks only rams killed with a license. It
is illegal to trade, transfer or sell bighorn capes and horns, or skulls
with unmarked horns.