Bill Allard

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wow another great picture, Is this in the off season? also public or private land, and what state? great pictures, keep them coming...
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That picture was taken on one of Utah's limited entry elk areas. It just so happened that I also had an archery permit and this picture was taken during that hunt. . When the bull came to the wallow I had my bow in hand. I looked him over close and finally decided to pass him up and just take his picture. It was later in the evening so the light wasn't the best, so I checked my camera to see what kind of pictures I was getting and when I saw one that I don't have posted here, I decided I better take him. I put my camera down and picked up my bow and turned to shoot, but in the meantime the bull turned and walked towards the timber, never giving me a good shot. I ended up taking lots more pictures of other good bulls, but I never filled my tag. I did get some great pictures and that was more important to me than just filling my tag.
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dont shoot him when he is standing there eh?
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Bill, Was this over one of your favorite Bear stands?