Binary Cams Or solo cam
For The Love of It
1/7/13 9:02pm
I am looking at getting a new bow and am considering getting the new bowtech. My other option that I am looking at is the mathews helium or creed. What is your guys advice of what would be better. The bow will strictly be used for hunting big game.

1/7/13 10:09pm
You just need to find the bow that fit and feels the best to you. Those all are GREAT bows. My advise is to handle and shoot as many of them as you can before you decide. There are a ton more great bows to try as well. Good luck!

1/9/13 7:50pm
there are alot of nice bows out there today. i did shoot the new creed and did not care for it much but i really did like the new mathews chill because i am a fan of dual cam bows the chill shoots great. me personaly i am a hoyt shooter love the line up this year i now shoot a 2011 carbon element. shoot a few diffrent models and see what fits you the best and get it.

1/9/13 11:29pm
The single cam bows have a fairly smooth draw to them but the dual/binary cam bows are faster and with the way a lot of companies have them built they are smoother on the shot. Matthews are nice and have a good following but in my opinion a lot of other companies have a lot more to offer in terms of performance and feel. I personally would recommend a Bowtech, Hoyt, Elite or Obsession bow.

1/16/13 10:50am
I've only shot dual cams so I'm a little biased. But the best thing to do is go shoot if a few if possible and see which one feels the best like was mentioned above.