Bino Harness/ Pouch?

Just wondering what everyones preferences are here. I used a Horn Hunter harness with my Burris Binos for 4 years or so and finally have had to send them in for cleaning. I have now upgraded to a new pair of Leupold and have been looking into other systems to carry and protect my binos. I didn't like how the elastic stretched out so much and how dirty my binos got.
So I've been looking into some other systems like Badlands, Crooked Horn, and Alaskan Guide Creations.
Anyone use any of these or similar products? and if so what are your thoughts?
I Spoke with Jaret Owens the creator of the Alaskan Guide Creations system yesterday for probably 45 minutes. He is sending me two pairs to try out and see what I think. They seem to be just what I am looking for but his customer service was definitly above and beyond anything I've ever dealt with. I'll let you all know what I think when I get them and how they compare to the regular harness and the Badlands which I have used once just not very extensively.
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Haven't personally used it, but badlands has a pretty sweet setup. The binos are attached kind of the same way as the crooked horn (around the shoulders, connected in the back) but on the chest there's a case. Might be worth looking into a little further!
I have been using the Badlands for a couple of years now. I absolutely love them, I have a small survival kit with my binos and they stay clean and dry all the time.
My wife and I use the Crooked Horn setup and have had nothing to complain about. They work great and keep our binos nice and clean.
checkout the BinoBro from Oregon Pack Works. It looks perfect for what I do. I think its
I was looking at something to protect my binos also and really liked what I saw on the badlands bino system.. the case has almost like a magnetic open/close system and they say it will seal out rain and dust. Anyone here use the bino-pac system? looks really sweet but I must say I'd love to be toting my binos around in the woods in that Badlands setup...
Tonoonyi I have handles the badlands a few times and I just felt like that strap was too bulky. I haven't carried it with my day pack on but thought that it would make my pack ride uncomfortably. Have you had any problems like that.
Zrider2 I just looked at and that looks almost identicle to the alaskan guide creations set up.
Thanks for all the input everyone!
Sorry about the slow response time, been kinda busy at work.

I have not really had an issue with the strap under my pack. I suppose that it may get in the way for some people, but I virtually always wear my bino's under my backpack for all of my shed hunting, and full tilt hunting and I have not ever had an issue.
I do love the fact that when I drop my pack and get carried away wondering around the mountains, I still have my survival kit on me, because I am just about never without my Bino's.