Binocular and Spotting Scope Use

I am planning to go out to Colorado in 2016 for a mule deer and/or elk hunt. I am not personally familiar with western hunting, all that I know is what I have read. The question that I have is how many of you use only binoculars and how many use both binos and spotting scopes? I plan on getting as far off the roads as possible, so I want to minimize my weight. Any and all input is appreciated. Thank you!
I have not hunted CO, but in Utah (especially on the Rifle) hunt I almost exclusively use BINOS only. Like you mentioned spotting scopes and big, heavy, and may not be feasible for a backcountry hunt. Obviously every situation is unique and some guys love packing the spotter for good reasons. But generally NOT ME. :)
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Ya it really depends... I like to take my Spotter any time I can manage it without it being a pain to carry. (I usually MAKE it happen) If you have a good powerful pair of binos it's likely you should be ok though.
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Awesome! I greatly appreciate the input. Having said that, last year I bought a pair of binos that are 10x42 Bushnell Excursion. I used them last season for both whitetails in Michigan and bear in Wisconsin, but my concern is if they are good enough to use out West. They worked great here for the whitetails and bear, but I do not want to get out there and realize that I should have invested the money in something better. Sooooo... to get to the point, do you think I should invest in something else or will the Bushnell's do the job? Thanks for the help!
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Also I apologize... I should have posted this in the Optics and Gear forum but for some reason did not see that until now.
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In my experience 10x binos are awesome for spotting animals, but to get a good look at an animal at 1000 yards you need a spotting scope, granted you could hike closer to check out the animal, or depending on vegetation, terrain, and your hunting style you won't even need to worry about seeing that far. As far as the quality of the binos, I've never used bushnells so I don't know! Hope this helps some!
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I really hate to "spend other peoples $" but if it were me I'd get a spotting scope. Like Scott702 said, out here in the west you'll more than likely be spotting 1000 yds or farther in some instances.
Again it depends, are you wanting to hunt the high country with big basins? They yes a spotting scope might be in order. If your hunting lower country, thicker, less visibility, I always pack my binos and that's it. I have the Razor HD 10x42 and they work great/sufficient for my needs.
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Thanks for the input everybody. The area I am heading to has the big basins so I think I will spend the money. I would rather have them and not need them verses getting out there and realizing that I should have brought them with. I was just looking for an excuse to not spend the money but I think I knew all along that I should get it. Again I appreciate all the input. It has been very helpful and I am always open to more suggestions. Thanks!
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I hunt AZ for deer/elk/etc. I use my 10x42s for most glassing within a mile for game. Anything further than that, or if something peaks my interest out past 1000 yards, I break out my 15x56s. I can glass out to 2 miles easily with the 15s. And if something looks big at 2 miles, you don't need a spotting need a good pair of boots to get you within rifle range!!!

A spotting scope for long hours of glassing kills me, even with a good one. Eye fatigue with using only one eye gives me a killer headache. I can sit behind my 15s all day long with no issues. Plus, a spotting scope over 15x has such a narrow FOV. I can't count how many times I am surgically taking apart a canyon or hillside, and catch movement on the edge of the view on an area I just glassed, that I would have missed with a narrower FOV.

As others have said, I am not sure on the Bushnell's glass, but I would want a $1K pair of 10X binos before a cheap bino and cheap spotting scope. Clarity will find you a lot more game than magnification. Plus, if your hunt has warmer weather (45°-50°+), mirage will kill higher magnification usage.