Bison on the move to Book Cliffs!
1/13/09 11:09am
Good news...
31 Utah bison headed for the Book Cliffs
January 13th, 2009 @ 7:47am
SALT LAKE CITY (AP) -- Thirty-one Utah bison are on the move.
The Division of Wildlife Resources captured them over the weekend in the Henry Mountains.
After a stop at Antelope Island -- where they'll be checked for disease and given a radio collar -- the bison will taken to the Book Cliffs.
There, they'll join 14 other bison that were imported last August. Eventually, state officials hope the Book Cliffs herd will number around 450.
There are more than 400 bison in the Henry Mountains in southeastern Utah. That herd started in 1941 with 18 bison trucked in from Yellowstone National Park.
(Copyright 2009 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)
31 Utah bison headed for the Book Cliffs
January 13th, 2009 @ 7:47am
SALT LAKE CITY (AP) -- Thirty-one Utah bison are on the move.
The Division of Wildlife Resources captured them over the weekend in the Henry Mountains.
After a stop at Antelope Island -- where they'll be checked for disease and given a radio collar -- the bison will taken to the Book Cliffs.
There, they'll join 14 other bison that were imported last August. Eventually, state officials hope the Book Cliffs herd will number around 450.
There are more than 400 bison in the Henry Mountains in southeastern Utah. That herd started in 1941 with 18 bison trucked in from Yellowstone National Park.
(Copyright 2009 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)
J/K I would like to see more herds and hunting opportunities. Kudos to the DWR and supporting contributers on the effort to start a book cliff herd. :thumb