BLACK MAGIC????????????
Good news Chet,

It's NOT him. Been a couple of people confused and think it might have been him though.

Here he is from summer 2007, alive last I know of.

I know doyle has seen him, and havent seen any pics this year.

on second thought, I should have know it wasnt him, because the right side is so much different. And due to the fact that BM hasnt shed, there's no way it could have been him!

you better draw that tag soon !!!! he's gettin old and aint gonna wait much longer! lol :thumb

merry christmas you skinny little fart!
Dang Chet, ya scared me for a second.

I'm still pullin' for Brett or one of his family members to draw that tag and "bring Black Magic home".
Yep several people have seen him and hunted him HEAVY this year.

I'd love to put a tag on him, he is getting old for sure.
There is a video on mossback home page and there is a buck that looks just like black magic. The Antlers are black just like his. Its 40 seconds into the Video.
Yes UTAHBOW, that's him.
Oh... that sucks. Now Doyle knows where he is and is going to Guide someone to him. :>/
Only if they can afford him...that guy is like the plague,if he invades your hunting area everything worth hunting is going to die.
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Unless he is lion scat or someone got him during the Muzz hunt He is still alive and well.
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I hate to say it but i think your buck is dead look at the dead buck pic it has no eye gaurds the live pic you took or somebody else took he has two eye gaurds the pic in the video the buck has one eye gaurd on the passengerside .All three bucks look the same to me just looks like his eyegaurds broke off by the time he was killed and all the blood sucked up so the horns are not as massive looking.
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Last time we seen was just after the archery hunt. Havent heard of him much since then. He is still alive and well. we think that he is just about 6 years old so he should live for several more years.
Two different deer.

Not him, different deer as stated and he is Alive after hunts were over.
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This buck is NOT Black Magic.

How do I know?? Because I am the guy in the picture..

Anyway, there is quite a story behind this particular buck, but I passed on Black Magic several times on the opening week of the hunt. I could have had him a number of times, but I just didn't like the look of him, and wanted a big typical. Black Magic was just plain "ugly".

So, this particular buck we named "Tan Magic."

Tan Magic was in an area about 10 miles to the south of Black Magic. So, I went back for a second week of hunting in this new area, and saw Tan Magic several times, and again just passed on him because he was just "ugly." Plus we had seen several nice typicals, and one in particular that was just totally off the charts huge, my DREAM BUCK. Anyway, I had a few different chances at my monster, and I just blew it, buck fever I guess. Been practicing ALL SUMMER, for that ONE opportunity, and when it showed up, I blew it.. Still kickin myself if you can't tell.. I can't believe it.. But, anyway, we had seen Tan Magic several times, and I even stalked in on him one day, just playing around, and I got to within about 25yds of him, before he took off. Just didn't like him..

So, on the last day of my hunt, and right after I blew my opportunity on the monster, we get word that Tan Magic is bedded.. Right in the same spot that I had stocked in on him before. Doyle asked me if I wanted him, and I was so disgusted at myself for missing the big one, that I was in a daze, and I said, "sure, that's what we're here for I guess." So, Tan Magic was bedded in the sage brush, and you could just see the tips of his Left Side above the brush. I had told Doyle that if his right side was as strong as his left, that I'd have more seriously considered him earlier in the hunt. Anyway, there he was, wind was in my favor, and I had done the dress rehersal the day before. So, Doyle got his camera set up, and wished me luck, and I stalked into about 30 yards, he stood up, facing straight towards, I drew back, and hit him right at the base of the neck. He ran about 80 yards and piled up, right where we took the pictures.

As far as I know, the whole hunt will be on Doyles Mule Deer video that will be released this spring. Doyle had his camera running on my "monster" opportunity, so he may have that on the video as well, so you guys can see my DREAM BUCK, and the harvesting of Tan Magic.
new2this, First of all Welcome to MuleyMadness. :thumb
Thanks a bunch for sharing your hunt with us. Any idea which Mossback DVD your hunt will be on?
great story! sounds like it was the hunt of a lifetime :thumb
Great story 10sign: and congrats :thumb

First off, ::wel and thanks for joining and telling us about your hunt.

Where you from?

If the 'monster' you missed was very near Black Magic I know the exact buck your talking about? And he is truly a MONSTER!!

Is Black Magic Ugly? YEP, I'd still love to tag him. :)

Couple other guys beside you tried.

Congrats on Tan Magic, he is a cool buck and that left side is AWESOME.

Have any more pics of him to share with us?
so brett, have you ever got pics seen tan magic? i just ask cause it's sounds like the same general area and you get tons of cactus buck on your cameras
Nope Killer, hadn't ever seen that one.

Great story and congrats on a fine trophy
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I have a bunch of pictures.. I don't know how to upload them onto this site, but I have about 20 or so. After I shot Tan Magic, we took pictures for about an hour in different light, poses, etc. There were I think 5 cameras clicking away. I have one of my pictures on "the bragging board" in the Sportsmans Warehouse in Riverdale.

Tan Magic is not in the same area as Black Magic. Tan Magic was about 10-15 miles to the south. But, while I was doing some preseason scouting, I saw a MONSTER (Let's call him Monster #1 or M1) that lives right in the same area as Black Magic. I was driving along the road with my family, and I saw M1 at about 70 yards, looking at me broadside, right in front of a cedar right at dark. He was there with a smaller 27" buck, and M1 just DWARFed the 27 incher. Anyway, that was a week before the opener, and I called Doyle on my drive home,(I live in Ogden) and told him about him, and where he was etc. So, Doyle and Kalan were coming down to pre-scout for my hunt on Wednesday before the opener.

Neither Doyle nor Kalan saw M1. M1 was about 30-31" wide and very tall and heavy with good splits, but I only saw him for maybe 5 seconds before he took off on a dead run. But that was all I needed. He was the buck I wanted.

So, that whole first week of the hunt, we were hunting for M1. That's when I kept seeing Black Magic. I had Black Magic within 40 yards several times. He wanted to die, and Doyle kept telling me that I'd be "famous" for shooting "the famous Black Magic" etc. But, he just wasn't the buck for me. Not when I'd paid as much as I did for the permit, and I was hunting with the famous "Doyle Moss" and my first guided hunt, etc.. I wanted a buck to put high in P&Y, and I saw an honest 190-200 class buck 1 week prior (M1). So, that's why we hunted that area hard for 1week, and never did see M1. So, Doyle knew of an area to the south that we could hunt that had some nice bucks, and he had his governors tag elk hunter on the Pahvant coming in, so we decided to split my hunt, and I'd come back and hunt the new area in a week.

That new area was MUCH BETTER than where we were hunting that first week (Black Magic and M1's area). We saw several bucks that were in the 28-30" range, and 180-190 class, several. One buck, about a 190-195 class we named "the Ice Pick buck" about 29 inches. Very pretty buck, had a 5" inline on his right side going straight back of his g2, hence the name. Anyway, there's is where we saw Monster #2, M2. This buck was estimated at 37" wide, 4x5, about 28" tall, and about 205-210. Doyle was very excited about M2, because he would be the largest ever bow kill on video. And, we also saw Tan Magic the first day in the new area.

So, you can see how I wasn't too excited about Tan Magic, when I had M2, and the Ice Pick buck to choose from.

Anyway, my first opportunity at M2, came, and I had a VERY QUICK shot at him at about 60 yards. He was feeding in heavy brush up a steep side hill, and Doyle and I were on top of the hill right on the crest looking down. M2 came into view, this was the first time I'd ever seen a buck so huge in my life, and I drew back, don't even remember aiming, and just let it fly. I had less than 2 seconds to draw and shoot, because of the shooting lane. Anyway, I missed him BIG TIME. But, we didn't spook him, he just trotted a few hundred yards, and right at the end of shooting light, we stalked in on him again, and I had a second opportunity at M2. This time, it was a far shot, but I had a good aim, and I let it fly. The shot felt good, the arrow looked good, and M2 turned and trotted away but he acted kind of weird, and had a little stumble in his trot. So, I thought that I'd hit him. So, Doyle went and scoured the area with his flashlight and couldn't find any blood, but also couldn't find the arrow either. So, we decided to just leave him, and get started on him in the morning.

So, first light the next morning, Doyle had another one of his spotters, Wyatt, scouring the area where I had shot at M2 the night before. While we were waiting to hear from Wyatt, he had Kalan just scouring the area to see if he could find M2 out milling around. Doyle and I were watching another area. Just then, the Ice Pick buck walked right in on Doyle and me. He was there broadside, at about 50 yards, just milling around. I could have had him, easy. But, we hadn't heard from Wyatt, nor Kalan, so as hard as it was, I decided to pass on him, even though it was a very tough decision.

No sooner had the Ice Pick buck walked away, and we heard from Wyatt, that M2 was alive and well, and so the hunt was on, again.

Doyle and I high tailed back to that area, and snuck into position.

We were settled in under this cedar tree for what seemed like an eternity. M2 was with 4 other bucks and they were feeding on top of this small ridge, and we were in the ravine off to the side, and all the bucks were feeding towards us. We saw them at about 100 yards, and waited for, what seemed like an eternity for them to feed into range. All the while, I am getting cramped up, my feet are starting to go numb, my knees are aching, and I'm crouched so low practically in a sitting position, that I was practically paralysed, BUT my heart was beating so fast and so loud that I could swear the bucks could hear me. My eyes HAD to be popping out of my head, as M2 finally got into range.

There he was, the buck of a lifetime, 40 yards, broadside,..... and I couldn't perform... I was so cramped up, and I tried to draw my bow back so slowly and without any movement, that I couldn't break it over... It is a moment in my life that I will never forget... There were more 4 letter explicatives muttered under my breath during that 3-5 seconds, that I'm going to have to spend the rest of my life in church to make up for them... Of course M2 is having none of this nonsense, and he promptly gets out of town... Doyle isn't too happy with me either, at this point... But, no one is more upset than me.

So, Kalan and Wyatt were watching the whole thing go on as well from a distance, and as soon as Kalan sees the circus, he starts scanning to see what else he can find. Its at this point that he notifies Doyle that he sees Tan Magic has bedded.

This was the last day of the hunt. But, the day prior, we had seen Tan Magic bed down on the morning hunt, and I told Doyle that I wanted to stalk in on him for a practice run. So, like I said on my earlier post, I did the dress rehearsal, but his right side was just "too weak" and I had already seen the Ice Pick buck from a distance, and I'd seen video of M2. So, I wasn't too interested in him.

So, anyway, Doyle asks if I wanted Tan Magic, and that's where the previous post starts..

Tan Magic is an awesome buck, huge mass, and a buck to be proud of, but will always be bitter-sweet for me. I just can't get M2 out of my head. Plus, I will NEVER go on another deer hunt with my bow at 70#, all of the preseason practicing just didn't prepare me for what transpired. Some good lessons learned for sure.

So, there you have it, my 2007 archery deer hunt. Definately a hunt of a lifetime.
new2this, Fantastic story of your hunt. =D> Thank you!
wow,thanks for sharing, i can see why you were a little dissapointed--- sounds like there were some monsters around you! but your buck is also a true trophy as well, sounds like it was a blast!! congrats
I just got off the phone with "new2this", I somehow missed this thread. In fairness to new2this, the two shots he missed on an incredible buck were NOT easy shots. The buck he took has amazing mass. I was lucky enough to spend 10 days with new2this on an awesome archery elk hunt just north a few miles from where he took tan magic. He took a very nice bull on the last day of the archery season, it was one of the coolest hunts I have ever been a part of. Thanks Cary! Hope to do it again in the near future.


Fantastic story, great detail. Loved reading it, I know a lot of the area you were hunting and chasing those big bucks. Thus it was all the more fun to read.

It's easy to add photos, just click on the upload attachment button below and find them on your computer and then click add file. Type in a brief description and like 'magic' should work great.

Don't be disappointed in TAN MAGIC, he is very cool and unique. :thumb

W2 sounds awesome.
Code Red
Wow, thanks for the detailed summary. What an amazing hunt. It's crazy to believe that there were so many trophy bucks in that area. To think that hopefully their genes got passed on. Congrats on the experience of a lifetime.
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Small Buck
Small Buck
A few small bucks
A few small bucks
Another Small Buck
Another Small Buck
The WhiteTail Buck - Small Buck
The WhiteTail Buck - Small Buck
Tan Magic on the Ground
Tan Magic on the Ground
First Picture of Tan Magic
First Picture of Tan Magic
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A few more pictures for you from the hunt...
Notice 3 Arrows Missing in Quiver
Notice 3 Arrows Missing in Quiver
Picture on the Braggin Board at Sportsmans
Picture on the Braggin Board at Sportsmans
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I don't know why that last picture turned out so big..

I like the big picture it shows the detail =D>
New2this do you have any pics of the bull you took ?
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Oh yeah, and Thanks Pro... I really enjoyed our hunt together as well..

Here are a few pics of my elk that I took last year w PRO.. What an awesome guide, and an awesome hunt. To bad Wyatt and his shadow weren't there the mess up the
Profile View
Profile View
Another angle
Another angle
1 hour before he met me and PRO up close and personal
1 hour before he met me and PRO up close and personal
Wow nice bull so i guess your my new Idol 10sign: I wish i could just see a decent bull when im hunting ](*,)
That bull has 22 inch G2's and 57 inch main beams. I'll let new2this tell the story if/when he wishes. I had a blast chasing big bulls with him and his dad along for most of the hunt. Thanks for the memories!

"new2this" wrote: To bad Wyatt and his shadow weren't there the mess up the
I missed this the first time. I had forgotten about Wyatt and his shadow, funny inside story there.

After seeing some of the "small bucks" i can understand why you wernt to excited about tan m,those other deer are NICE!
new2this, That is a neat looking buck, truly a trophy of a lifetime. Great Bull! I'd love to hear the story of that hunt...... :thumb
Nice work, LOVE the photos. Really like the last BIG one cause it shows his junk real good.

Is all that velvet hard? Or is it still soft feeling, never held one on the ground like that.

Thanks for all of them, nice BULL also...he is awesome.

Good guiding PRO!

10sign: 10sign:
Ya i would be way proud of that buck! Great pics
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So.... You wanna see some pictures of M2??

Here they are... with some dude besides me behind him..

M2 was shot the opening day of the opener of rifle on the CWMU. I was hunting right along the fence line right off of the CWMU, and I surprised that his hair on his back isn't all cut up from my arrow from my second shot.. I had to have just BARELY missed him.

He is MUCH MORE impressive in person, believe me..

He measures out at 36" wide, but his 3pt frame kills his score, if he would have had decent g3s, he would have been the world record archery buck..

Schmuck... wuss rifle hunter!! J/K
Schmuck... wuss rifle hunter!! J/K
Some dudes with my buck
Some dudes with my buck
Another pic of M2
Another pic of M2
Nice Pic of M2
Nice Pic of M2
Nice. ive said it before but ill say it again i love those huge 3 points
Sweet buck, I imagine he would look awesome in person and even BETTER on the 'hoof'. Glad we got to see the photos of him, thanks for sharing!

:good post
with all these monster bucks, i gotta ask---- is this all on the famous HENRY's in utah?? i just always hear about the big bucks there and --well-- looks like you had quit a few big bucks around you????
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Those bucks that I took pictures of, really are small bucks, for that second area.

None of those bucks were anywhere near the size of the Ice Pick Buck.

The WhiteTail buck was wide, but not a lot of mass, plus wouldn't score good.

The others, were maybe 170-175 class..

The Ice Pick buck really stood out against his peers, and M2 REALLY stood out. Tan Magic was probably the 3rd largest buck in that new area.

The Ice Pick Buck was about, a little smaller, but close, to the size of M1... 190ish.

No, this area is NOT the Henry's. But it is in Southern Utah..

I shot Tan Magic on Aug 31st (the camera date is wrong) and his horns were hard, and those little dimples were about the size of peas, and were hard as well. The horns really just felt like a normal velvet buck with those dimples on them. They are pretty massive, I could not put both hands together around the bases.

Right now, I'm contemplating having Tan Magic scored.. I have no idea what he'd score, but if he is large enough to put in P&Y, I will definately put him in. The horns right now are (and have been since the hunt) at the taxidermy shop, and I will hopefully get my mount done in the spring.
First off....AWESOME photos and nice unique buck (Tan Magic). Unfortunately, P&Y / B&C do not accept stag (cactus) bucks into their records program. But make no question......THAT'S a true buck of a lifetime in my book. Thanks for posting them up for us to see.
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To tell ya the truth, I'd take that Cactus buck of yours over that wide 3 point. I don't know what's in the water down there to produce so many Cactus bucks, but they are pretty cool looking creatures. That wide 3 point is impressive, but I have seen plenty of those before.

No matter how darn ugly that Black Magic buck is, I like it. Definately got character. Does anyone think that maybe Black Magic is the 15 inch based Cactus buck that was supposedly killed last fall?

I think that most of the bucks that they are talking about in this thread are from the other premium unit called the paunsagaunt (sp) that is down in soutwestern Utah by Kanab. The Henries are over in souteastern Utah by Hanksville. Both units have truely monster bucks on them but one of the things that draws people the the Herny Moutians is the most of the unit is BLM land so you don't have to worry as much about crossing onto private land as much.

I thought you must have froze to death up in BC, where ya been? :)
Does anyone think that maybe Black Magic is the 15 inch based Cactus buck that was supposedly killed last fall?
No it's not the same deer, know idea about the supposed other 15" base buck, but Black Magic is still alive as far as I know...but he does have some HUGE bases. :thumb
BCBOY, Good to see you on MuleyMadness! :thumb
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Just got the power hooked back up to my Igloo. Have to mush the dogs on a makeshift treadmill to keep the lights going though. ;)

In all seriousness, things are going pretty darn good up here. Can't complain with how the seasons have been treating me. Have been whackin and stackin the critters as per usual. I might just have to post up some pics here as I haven't done that for a long while.
Just got the power hooked back up to my Igloo. Have to mush the dogs on a makeshift treadmill to keep the lights going though.

Know wonder I haven't heard from ya in a LONG time.... DAD GUM you built a Igloo PALACE...

at least the kids are happy. :)

chance. Glad you are still doing well, lets see some of your critters when you get a chance. :thumb
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To those of you interested..

I just picked up the Mossback Muley Heaven video over the weekend from Doyle.

He has a pretty good section on me and my hunt with Tan Magic if you're interested.