Blacktailed sucess!!
11/22/10 8:05pm
I connected on a Willamette valley blacktail! I missed TB a few minutes before (Named him Taxidermy Bill). I never really understood short bows and why you would want one. I do now. ](*,) When I shot at him my wheel of my bow hit my rail of my climbing tree stand and the arrow went into space as did my dream of TB. But, this buck followed a few minutes later!! I did not make the same mistake twice. :) Oh and if you look close at TB on my trail cam photo, he is five on this side and four on the other and at least 18 wide. This buck is huge for the valley. Maybe next year... " alt="" /> " alt="" />

Now you get to have an entire year of dreaming about TB and how much more he will grow. :))
Yea, old TB is a beast!! Better luck puting your tag on him next season!