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213 7/8 gross 195 0/8 net Scored by California Bowmen Hunters Claifornia Archery state record non typical D5 over the counter public land DIY
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Just a toad pal.....
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That's a taxidermy mount...
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Yes it is. The field photos were on my camera during the "pack out" and got lost in transit somewhere. It was over 95 degrees when i finally got the deer back to the truck so i didnt have time to go back and look for the camera. I had to get the meat to a locker and get it cooled down. I went back up the next day but had no luck finding it. Some lucky hunter probably found it and looked at the pics and is hunting my honey hole now. It was probably Ike :)
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213 its a nice deer but it aint that big you come to montana i have a friend who shot a 223 3/8 gross non typical
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Thats a monster of a muley..Congrats..DIY All the way
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Montana, your right its not "that big" compared to arizona, nevada, utah, and many other states..... Obviously you didnt read this is a California Deer.....
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i live in utah and have seen some big bucks, i dont care who you are, thats a big mature monster buck. Nice shootn tex. congrats!
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I have a friend?? Nice montana! Who cares! We all know someone who has shot a monster! Give credit where credit is due! Nice shooting man, thats a toad anywhere-
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Your story in the california game and fish magazine said you shot that buck at the 6300' ft level in d3! hard to figure it would of been 95 degrees. there seems to be some conflict in your stories.
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I read the article and dont see anywhere where it says it was 95 degrees someoen please tell me if im wrong. I think people just get jealous and look for reasons not to accept the fact that someone is either a better hunter or a bit luckier. I think this guy must know what he's doing and have a lot of luck on his side. Here's the Article, it may say the typical he shot was at 95 degrees but not this deer.
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I guess i should've been more specific. I was not driving my truck on the hunt I was parked in Auburn and riding with a friend who lives off of hwy 49. When we got the deer back to "My" truck it was around 95. seems like people are always looking to discredit other people.
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"....D5 over the counter public land DIY" How about changing it to "....ebay over the internet, public domain with a willing seller"
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dude you can tell that is mounted you dont have to lie i mean yeah thats a very nice buck but its mounted hahahahahahaha so you dont have to have your bow with you???
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great buck! it also makes you feel more acomplished thatyou took this nice buck with your bow
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he is even wearing a release hahahahaha!!!