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188 5/8 gross 187 1/8 net D5 zone over the counter California Archery state record typical
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thats a beautiful whitetail
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LMAO @ Whitetail
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originally posted by Coleman Houston "188 5/8 gross 187 1/8 net D5 zone over the counter California Archery state record typical" How about the truth, purchased on an ebay auction, just like his other deer. He never killed any of these bucks. I don't know what kind of shot he really is, but he's one heck of a great photoshopper!
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this guy is a fake who bought the rack on ebayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
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Dont you guys have anything better to do than rag on people online that kill bigger bucks than you ever will.
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great deer dude,everybody who's ragging on you is just jealous, they need to get over them selves and get out there and try to kill a decent deer instead of hating on guys who do.
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You guys do realize that both of Mr. Coleman's buck were found by CA Fish & Game to have been bought from ebay and posed as CA archery deer. He was convicted of several violations, including false documentation of deer tag and fraud.