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exellent deer i admire those kind of deer
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I have killed a 10 point with two non-typical points before, but this, this put mine to shame.
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I also have to say the anty is very nice also, grt picture.
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That is AWESOME!
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this is a very good buck mulies are ay better than white tail
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hey guys that is a whitetail
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he is right that is a white tail
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its a muley, notice the black marks coming off teh nose to his bottom jaw
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nice pronghorn!!
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no way that is a whitetail. look at the ears and the large white patch on the throat
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definatly a muley
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sorry to say folks, that is a white tail, if you go to the link below the picture, there is a live picture of him, and he definately isnt a muley
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actually, there are many pictures of him and live pictures of other deer here
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is that the famed hole in the horn "WHITETAIL"
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Those of you that stated that is deer is a white-tail...are correct. In fact, it was one of the featured big bucks from King's 2001 White-tail deer calendar. For those of you that are not familiar with these calendars, they use the majic of modern technology to put these monster racks on pictures of live deer. Pretty impressive process.
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Of course, I could use that "magic" to check my spelling!
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In fact, I believe the picture of this buck on that link is one of those that were computer created. The rack is real, the deer is real, the pics are computer generated.
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i love hunting alot and i got a deer this year it was a 3x3 but if i ever saw something that big i would pobably cry and pary to get that. p.s. nice but garrett from wenatchee,wa 15
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Give you a dollar if you tell me where you hunt.
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Hey fire fighter look at the browtines its a whitetail!
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All of these pics look like they are in the same cabin/house! By the looks of it, they have some very famous deer(or molds of some very famous deer). Maybe both. What ever the case may be, God has blessed them... and I'm jealous.
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congrats, that's a big deer. ubaldo from mexico
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Nice antelope
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That isnt a pronghorn its a whitetail but mulies are bigger and better!!
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i told you guys that was a white tail, and mulies are way dumber than white tails
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that deer is no white tail its a mulie and as far as mulies being dumber than whitetails obviously youve never chased a big mulie
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i have so chased some big mulies and i have put most on the ground too
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great white tail and nice pronghorn (the antelopes on the bottom right) both are great mounts
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That's a decent trophy but I'd prefer a nice, thick coated doe any day. You can't eat antlers. MEAT HUNTERS RULE.
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how do you guys go hunting if you can't distinguish a muley from a whitey? Definately a whitetailn
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nice muley
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mmm... must be one of them hybred deer with the mulie cape and whitetailed antlers! naw... just a great non-typical muledeer! Thats why they call this aly's monster muledeerrrr... Just 7 miles north of challis Idaho, antlers bought and sold. Some bought, some recreated and some mounted sheds. All guarnteed to please.
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nice buck!!!!!!!
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This may be a site for mule deer, but that is a whitetail.
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how can you guys/girlscall your selves hunters if you cant even distinguish between a whitetail and mule deer. That is definitly a whitetail.
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This is a whitetail. Read the above posts. I don't know how you could confuse the two. I have never saw a live mule deer, but new instantly that this was a whitetail. Look at the ears, the eyeguards, and the structure of the rack. It is easy to distiguish. Maybe some of the people who thought it was a mulley have never seen a whitetail to know the difference.
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...remember this deer is in idaho land of big whitetails and bigger mule deer, this deer has the antler growth and ears of whitetail and the unusal mass and coloring of a mule deer. hybreds between the two are not uncommon.
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Unusual mass and coloring?!? It has a NON TYPICAL rack. Ever seen the Lovesteun Buck killed in Iowa? Whitetails often display these unusual racks. Unusual Coloring? Where? Looks just like most whittail racks and hides I've saw.
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those of you who said it was a deer or a pronghorn your wrong its a lamp and im in love with it.
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I could have SWORN that mule deer had larger antlers that whitetails cuz, that's a whitetail!...Nice pronghorn too.
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i bet you didint put no muley on the ground with deer pee and rubin sticks together they are open country masters hunted thim all my life that is abig nice white taild deer no brod grey for hed no grey coat browncoat small ears and no white on the face and dark hair on the briskit like a muley after youve seen muleys all youre life and one or two white tail very very easy at a glans to tell thim apart
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wow, thats nice
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Ive only seen one whitetail in my life and it was a doe ive seen more mule deer then i cant even start countin and i cant honestly tell the difference even though if he were a mule deer its an odd looking mule deer especialy for his size i would have to go with it bein a whitetail but i take huge offense when calling mule deer stupid mule deer are highly intelligent and are
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gorgeous animals I have more respect for the animals i hunt more then anything and i think that if you hunt especially want to be a great succesful hunter you should learn to respect the animals your hunting no matter whitetail , muledeer, elk etc.
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that is about the most crazy thing I have ever seen.
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those are some huge eyeguards
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that is a nice antelope also.
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I can't believe anyone would think that is a mule deet!! Even if you have never seen a live whitetail you should be able to recognize that as a whitetail, no resemblence to any mule deer I've ever seen. And that is normal coloring for whitetail, especially older bucks. The coloring of the rack is very typical of any size rack in the area I hunt, especially non-typical racks. "It's a mule deer", that is funny....
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You killed a christmas tree ...
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I have hunted whitetail and mule deer my whole life and seen a fair number of each. i am also a game biologist and i think that anyone that says this deer is a mule deer i really hope you don't hunt, wait you probably couldn't figure out how to load the gun.
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that is the biggest buck with drop tines we have seen!!! by the way that is a nice PRONGHORN!!
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nice tear drops coooool
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sweet whitetail!
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it has a tree on its head
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that is one crazy awsom deer
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wow.............i can't believe it's not fake, or a whitetail
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All, This whitetail scored 244 B/C, had 12 3/8" eyeguards, and is 29 6/8" wide. It was featured in the 2001 Kings World Calendar. I hope this helps to clear up any confusion and also helps keep impolite folks from posting rude or offensive comments toward others.
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I have seen my share of blacktail muley bench legs, and this deer has muley/whitetail written all over it. Where was it shot again???
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dude, honestly, that is clearly a whitetail. pull your head out, or read a book or something, i have never hunted a whitetail and i can see there is no question about it thats no mule deer
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Don't you know it's a whitetail/antelope cross? The dad's hung right next to it.