o.k so i know i shouldn't post till i get the pics [ my computer isn't letting me download pics] any way today i shot a limit of ducks and 2 geese..... but one mallard had a band on each leg, one was just a regular, but rare, band. the other was a reward band worth $100.00. a money band is about the rarest thing to shoot in duck hunting!
as soon as i get the pics i'll post em'
SAWEET!!! :thumb
Are you going to mount your Mallard?We dont get any banded birds around here,I have never seen a banded bird taken near here.I thought a bull Can was the rarest trophy in bird hunting till this year when I shot a Russian bean goose over my duck spread,didnt even know the existed,now he keeps me company in my "trophy room"." alt="" />
i 've never heard of the "russian bean goose" that does sound pretty rare. we dont get hardly any bands around here either, it's not unheard of but nothing like back east where they shoot lots of them. i have 2 other bands that i've shot over the yrs. 1 of a hen mallard and the other off a gadwald. as far as getting it mounted, what i want to do is get a total of 7 bands, then shoot 7 real nice drake mallards and get a mount made of my great granddads old side by side shotgun hung up with the break action open then have a limit of banded mallards hanging from an old leather neck loop drapped over the old shotgun. i've always thought that would be a killer mount..... what do you think?
That would be SWEET i have some ducks in the freezer right now that Im going to mount hanging from a lanyard,and a canadian Im going to mount flying and hang it from the ceiling.
Buck Fever
I knew you could find one Killer, kinda cool huh?? My buddy and I shot one in the same place about 6 years ago. Congrats thats cool!! :thumb
I'm still waiting on the band pics. :)
i know ](*,) i'm trying to get my buddy to send me an e-mail with the pics so the i have them on my computer to uplaod to here. my 1 1/2 yr old daughter decided to play with the computer and for some reason it " cant find" me when i plug in my camera ](*,) so 1 way or another i'm still trying to get them here.