blood tracking tips

hey guys anyone have any good tips when tracking a wounded animal... sometimes your shot just isnt as perfect it should be .. just thought a thread about tracking would be a good one.. anyone try the hydrogen peroxide trick?
I've heard, at night time, using a blue filter over your flashlight helps to make the blood stand out. Otherwise, during the day time, I just follow the blood trail.

Sorry, probably not too much help.
Did you watch where your arrow hit too? Usually if you see the height it hit, you can kinda judge how high to look for to see if the animal brushed on something and left blood there. Otherwise, I look down and take small steps around to find "the next puddle" of blood on the ground. I also stack rocks by the spots just in case I need to go back later to track it again. Ive never really had to track anything though past 150 yards away cause everyone Ive been with either dropped the animal right there or they've died shortly after taking a couple of steps in the woods and started doing "the Flintsone Shuffle" and fallen over. Cabelas sells a light that is supposed to make the blood stand out but Ive never known anyone to use one or how well they work.
l spent 16 hours tracking my "dream" buck last week on Cedar Mountain. l have heard all the stories about the Peroxide, but it has never worked for us. My sister bought my Dad a Gerber brand CSI style tracking light, it didnt work for beans either.
The best advice l have ever been given is give the animal time to lay down and stove up. You may not have hit them as well as you would have liked, but if they dont feel pressured, they may be inclined to lay down and bleed out or not be able to get back up. If you jump them up, they will run forever. Just my thoughts
I have heard one good review on the Primos bloodtracker light. I was about to buy one at Cabelas on Saturday-they are now on sale for $20 starting tomorrow-they are just too big to pack around just for a chance of tracking better.
somtimes it is hard for me to see the blood after you give them a wile to lay down and expire and the blood has dryed. so what i do is, i have some bright pink trail marking ribon i get 2 peaces and mark the last blood i have seen then i do not moove it until i have the next blood found sometimes it could be 2 feet or 20 feet i just make sure the last blood sign is marked so i can go back if needed. and make sure to give them plenty of time to lay down to expire . this all worked well on my elk this year!

lets here some moore tricks this is verry helpfull! 10sign:
I agree with hoytshooter. I dont like to move on until another definate sign is found. Sometimes hands and knees are required. Dont rush it. Better to take your time and find him.
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I had to follow up an elk about 1 1/2 miles a few years ago. It was mostly sand and some cedars. The blood would hit the sand and roll up into little dark colored balls. You'd have to pick them up to see if they were blood. The tracks looked the same age as all the rest so it was a long arduous process. Mostly we tracked the animal and finally found her. Tom Brown's books on tracking are a great help as are his tracking schools. These photos give an idea of what it was like.
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i used the hydrogen peroxide and it worked for me plus if i forgot to mark an area i could go back and it actually made the blood stand out a little better once the peroxide quit foaming but just my .02 cents