Bob Hope
2/13/08 2:28pm
I new there was something that i really like about him !!! 10sign:

2/13/08 6:18pm
lol :funny-post

2/14/08 9:04pm
He was one of my favorite comedians of all time. Read a book about him when I was in highschool about all the USO shows he did throughout the years. I thought that if I ever joined the military I would do anything to see him. Well, I did. He did a show on the USS Independence in Haifa, Isreal on Christmas Day 1983 and we just happened to be in port at the same time. I didn't mean too, honest, but I ended up being UA to see him. GREAT show!!! I've never regretted missing a few hours of work to see him. It was well worth the price I had to pay.