1/12/12 7:29pm
So you still chasing Mule Deer?
Just curious if you tagged out, I'm having withdrawals since I didn't see a pic in 2011 on the ground. lol
Just curious if you tagged out, I'm having withdrawals since I didn't see a pic in 2011 on the ground. lol
My son (Cody) came for a quick three-day hunt the end of December. He was willing to arrow the first legal buck he saw. On the third day, he arrowed a small forked horn and was on his way back home the next day. Since I had already arrowed a Coues buck in August, I couldn't start hunting until January 1st. Between Cody and I, we have 5 deer in the freezer from this I was holding out for something that would net in the mid-160's+. It's not like I needed the meat.
On opening morning, I crawled into a small herd of deer that had a 160" net type buck with them. I decided to pass the buck at 37 yards, knowing I would see a much better buck in the next two weeks. I was wrong.....he was probably the best buck I saw the entire trip. I saw one other mature type buck that I've seen the last few years. He's always had weak G2's, and is narrow, but has exceptional fronts. The drought really impacted his development this year as well, as his G2's were very small. He was a really spooky buck, but if he makes it and we get some decent moisture, he'll be a keeper next year. I have some video of him and probably could have slung a few arrows at him throughout the trip as well. Since I'm not a techno guy, I really don't know how to download the video. (maybe I can e-mail it to your Brett?)
Saw a few up and comers that would score in the 140-150" range..........hopefully, with good moisture, they'll be shooter bucks in the next few seasons. Fred arrowed a javelina and missed a pretty good Coues buck (mid 90's). I did see some decent Coues bucks, but I had the muely bug for some reason. :) I'll post some photos later.
Look forward to some pics, I'd be happy to put the video up for you if you can get it to me?
wilsony @
Thanks for the report!
i always look forward to your hunt updates!