
How is life? All is well here in Wyoming! This winter is going to be a bad one on the animals I fear! Talking to a buddy from back home the other day and it looks as if our antelope area has taken a bad turn for the worse with all the snow. Might have to re-evalute our antelope plans for next year, after the goat I took this year I am o.k. with a change though

However, on a good note..... man do I have some news for you. My hunting buddy had gone over to Africa about three years ago. Anyways the PH that he used was over here in the states for a few weeks, he had a booth at the Expo in Reno and he came up to Jackson to spend a few days with my hunting buddy. He has offered John and I a great deal to go over to Africa in May of 2009! As of now my list is as follows: Cape Kudu, Impala, Cape Red Hartebeest, Common Blesbok, Common Springbok, Caracal (lynx), Mountain Reed Buck, and possibly a Warthog!

Needless to say, with a long wait of sixteen months the sleepless nights have already started. We have already fronted our Deposit so............. it is basically finalized. Have been talking to a travel agent, trying to get all the forms, tickets, and everything prepared. Can't wait, I have always wanted to go elsewhere for some hunting, never thought it would be to Africa!!!!!!! :))

I forgot to tell you, I am currently trying to figure out this whole loading video to my computer. When I get this figured out I will send you some footage that will drive you crazy. You need to make a trip out to Jackson in the winter sometime so we can hook-up and tour around Jackson and see some of the wildlife. I don't know what it is this year but some of my old trustees have not shown their faces this winter but I have captured three new deer this winter. One of them being a typical that to the best of my abilities would easily go over 200" typical. He is right at 31" outside spead, equally tall, deep deep forks and good mass. This has been a great winter for typical deer, the bigger deer hanging around the valley this winter are just big ole typicals. In the past the bigger deer I have videoed have been big non-typicals.
Holy smokes amigo, how the heck are you? How's life in the arctic this year? lol

That Africa trip sounds like a smokin' deal.....lots of critters with a reputable guide you've already gone with......makes it exciting for sure. We expect some photos and video here whenever you get back.

Yeah, my wife has been on me to get up to Jackson and also the Tetons during the winter....or at least during spring break. She says it's one of the most beautiful spots in the Nation during that time frame. Guess I better get it planned......I'm not getting any younger. :) I'll definitely give you a shout when I get up in that part of the country.

PM Brett (Muley Madness) and maybe he can walk you through the video posting procedure. I don't have it figured out either......I'm not the most computer literate person around. ](*,) We'd sure like to see them.

Don't be a stranger here......we got to have some Cowboy State influence here on a regular basis.

I think I have got it figured out but it is not the easiest way of doing things, or so I have been told! We are trying to get all our footage of the entire 2007 season onto one disc, we had several different camera's going all season. Once we get this done I will post it up! Not the best video but in my opinion it is like the video I enjoy seeing. No fences, no private ground, no guides, and just three or four buddies doing what we do.

Jackson Hole is becoming more and more a hot spot for winter tourism than even the summertime around here anymore. With so many different activities to partake in the winter, it is no wonder you can't seem to find locals around here anymore. Been out along the refuge the past few weeks trying to get some footage of a big ole bull and the number of wolves running from elk herd to elk herd is alittle bit nerve wracking! The tourists always love to see the wolves, heck I do to, but IMHO they are getting braver and braver everyday.

Let me know if you guys ever come out this way!