1/9/09 8:27pm
well....... how'd it go??
Of course, I would love to hear it from Roy....I never get tired of seeing the beasts he brings home. :not-worthy
The buck I arrowed is the same buck I've seen the last three or four years down there. He has a unique bob tail......probably lost it to a coyote when he was young? He's always been a 3 point and will never be any better, IMO. I decided to take the old buck out of that herd.....don't need any more of those genes running around there. :)
He was absolutely one of the most dominant bucks around, as he warded off all others. I spotted him coming down a ridge about 800 yards off into a wash. Having hunted this area for years, I had a fairly good idea where he was heading. So I hiked into the wash and set up to wait for him. Just as I got set up, I saw him coming through the mesquite trees right towards me. I shot him through the heart as he passed by me at 30 yards. The first arrow at a critter out of my new Admiral.
He broke about 5.5" of his main beam on his left side and also a 3" eye-guard from his right side in the fight with the 4x4. Even broken, he measures about 143" net. If he wasn't broken, he'd be about 158" a 3-point! He has 24" beam, 14" G2's, 12" G4's, 3" G1, and really good mass. His outside spread (to the broken portion of his main beam) was 24.5". Nothing huge, but definitely a mature buck that we estimated about 6-8 years old. A HUGE body for a desert deer.
Wally and Fred are still down there......trying to close the deal on a few other bucks we saw. I arrowed mine last weekend but elected to stay the week to look around and scout some new areas and help out my partners. As a result, I lost some of the meat to spoilage......Arizona is a place that can be 22 degrees in the morning and 70 in the afternoon........I was plenty angry with myself and knew I should have checked on it daily.....darn rookie mistake! I cut all of the spoiled meat away and saved a good portion of the carcass.......then decided I better get it home asap.
Overall, a great time.....I really love the Arizona desert this time of year. Hope you enjoy the photos......
I knew you wouldn't let us down!
The only thing I ask in return is to be able to hunt with ya!
Great job again Roy, you make this bow-hunting stuff seem to easy for us hunters and it's anything but that. Great buck and an awesome looking body/cape. Did you get to see the fight then?
You've had a good year! :not-worthy
I am always amazed at how you can get those big bucks. :not-worthy
Congrats on another successful hunt.
I'd be thrilled with that "Nothing Huge" buck. Look like a great hunt. I love the bladed G4 on your three point buck. My bucks G4's were bladed the same way. They sure add character.