BOHNTR, got a question for ya. (CA state records)


I noticed in our photo section that there were a couple pics of some AWESOME CA D5 archery harvests. Both are CA state typical and non-typical records. (As the pictures claim)

It looks to me like it is the same guy in both pics too. Do you have stories behind these awesome bucks? They were both killed in D5 and both over-the-counter tags...and again, it looks like they were taken by the same hunter! Of course, it also looks like he is just posing with them so I am not sure if he is a guide or is the actual hunter.

I am assuming that one guy couldn't get THAT LUCKY, could he?! Were they taken on private property? (Again, for one guy to take both state records with OTC tags on public land is almost beyond belief...of course, if you had done it I would completely believe it...LOL)

I am in no way questioning the authenticity of the bucks. I am just curious as to the story behind the guy and two new state records as the pictures claim. If this guy indeed did this with OTC tags on public ground then he has has accomplished one heck of feat...especially in a state that is not known for it's public land Mulies.

FYI: The non-typical looks like he is posing with a mount of the buck vice a real field photo and it also says it was a public land DIY hunt. Posing with the mount doesn't mean anything...just means that there might not be field photos.

Thanks bud. I figured that if there was one guy in Krazy Kalifornia that could give us the scoop it would be you.


Sorry I'm not BOHNTR, but here is the info that was sent to me.

Hunter = Coleman Houston

over the counter tag, public land DIY hunt on both hunts.

Non typical harvested in 2007 and not sure the year on typical?

D5 Zone

Both amazing bucks!!
WOW! Thanks Brett.

So, I guess the "near impossible" can happen! That fella managed to tag the state records for non-typical and typical on public land with OTC tags (Archery to boot)! If I were him I would go buy every dang lottery ticket I could find!

Someone needs to put a GPS tracker on him and find out where his honey-hole is! lol
The typical (2008) is the California Bowman Hunters new state record and the non typical (2007) is the new #2. Coleman is a very humble guy and has quite a few good Ca bucks under his belt. Ed F
Thanks for the additional info! Again...VERY, VERY IMPRESSIVE!!!!!!! :not-worthy
Sorry guys......been away from the computer a bit. Glad Ed (bowuntr) could answer the question......Yup, definitely some VERY nice bucks.......especially for California.
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The Non typical is a public land Buck in the D5 zone. The pic is a mount because as you guessed there were no field photos. He scores 209 3/8gross and nets 195 0'8 and was thought to be number 1 in ca. He is the Offiial #2 non typical. he was harvested in 2007. The typical was also shot in the D5 zone with he is the #1 typical at 188 4/8 gross 187 1/8 net. The two bucks were taken in two different area the field photos of the typical did not turn out that well but they were submitted. There will be some articles in the California Game and Fish magazine in June. Both Bucks were scored by California Bowmen Hunters.

Thanks a million for joining up and giving us the stats. VERY, VERY IMPRESSIVE feat...CONGRATS on two AWESOME bucks! :not-worthy ::wel
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Thanks for the compliments. Just got some good luck. I love the D5 zone it seems to produce decent deer every year and sometimes i get really lucky :)
::wel Those are 2 great bucks! congrats on a VERY impressive couple yrs :thumb

Welcome, glad you joined and shared the info on some amazing animals! 10sign: