Boise to join the MWC

Just saw this posted on ESPN's website.
Springville Shooter
Boise is a very competitive team that will be a great addition to the conference, but I still hate that blue field.--------SS
they should have jumped on the pack 10 bandwagon. sounds like were going to be the "pack 50 " or so here in a week
"killerbee" wrote:they should have jumped on the pack 10 bandwagon. sounds like were going to be the "pack 50 " or so here in a week
I was thinking the same thing Brian. They already play/have played Oregon State, Oregon, Washington, and Washington State. I figured that it would be a logical step to just jump into the PAC-10.

Not to mention, they wrestle as part of the PAC-10 which I would figure would give them an inroads right there.
"Springville Shooter" wrote:Boise is a very competitive team that will be a great addition to the conference, but I still hate that blue field.--------SS
Boy, I hate that field too!!! I'm from Big 10 country and they just added Nebraska. :thumb Looks like the beginning of the end of the Big 12. It will be very interesting to see how all this moving around pans out. :-k
I can't even keep up with everything that is going on. Did I miss something or has the Big 12 decided to call it quits?

And on a somewhat not-so-similar subject, I'm happy to see what has happened to USC for one reason only. Lane Kiffin.

Karma, Baby!
I'm from Red Raider country, and everything I read says that next Tuesday is when the 'former' Big XII south is going to start making announcements to go to the Pac-10 (soon to be known as the Pac-16). I think everyone is waiting for Texas to make their move and the rest of the conference will follow. I'm pretty excited about it myself....move could be good for Tech.

From what I read the Aggies are being stubborn and are hoping to go to the SEC, which I just don't see happening, but I've been wrong before. For their sake, I hope they don't try to play hardball and wait too long otherwise they may get left in the dust. Everyone else realizes their place and that Texas is the big dog and we need to follow their lead....Aggies always gotta be difficult though! :)
Pretty crazy stuff, I'm just not quite sure what to make of all of this??? (???)