Book Cliffs Buck

So I am lucky enough to have a job that puts me out in the book cliffs for 8 days at a time and I LOVE it! The down side is that 90% of my time is spent in a pickup...... Today I saw a buck that I had seen only once before. The first time was last month and he was pushing 28-30" wide and had almost no height to him at all. Today was a different story! My first thought when I saw antlers was "young bull elk", then I quickly realized differently. Not only is he WIDE but he is TALL too. Both times I have seen him its been nothing but ass and antlers though and I havent been able to get a picture of him. Im sure other people are watching him, and I dont have a tag, so if you have a tag for the Book Cliffs send me a PM and ill do what I can to steer you in the right direction. Id much rather see a DIY hunter take him than a guided hunter. Ill also do what I can to get out and get some pics of him.
Sure! I had the tag last year. lol I had a great time over there. Nice of you to help out a DIY guy. :thumb
Awesome of you 79Ford... AND GET YOUR CAMERA OUT!!!
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Hoping to draw this year. We like to hike rather then quad. Will we be able to get away from the roads ? Any areas that you would suggest ? Not familiar with the area but have already ordered some maps and talked with the game biologists.
Coyote LJ
Rookie, I'm far from the most knowledgable guy there is on the Books, but I have spent a fair amount of time out there. Hunted it almost every year for a long time before it became LE, hunt coyotes out there every year and finally drew an any weapon tag for it in '11.

PM me with any specific questions you think I might be able to help with and I'd be glad to tell you what little I think I know. The one thing I do know though, for certain sure, is that was one HECKUVA fun hunt!

The buck I took isn't in nearly the same class as the one described above, but I'm happy with him - here's a pic." alt="" />" alt="" />

- Dave
That's a great looking buck.

Nice and tall. =D>
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Dave, Beautiful buck. We have 11points and are pretty sure we'll draw. Everything we've heard is that it's a really fun hunt. We need that for sure. The last few years have been a little soar. We've been playing the point game around the west and have been in new areas with no success. It's time to have some fun. The big thing is we're mostly hikers and back pack in. Don't like a million people.I'm not sure how to PM you. My e-mail is Thanks Bob
"rookie23" wrote:We have 11points and are pretty sure we'll draw.
11 points should do it.
"rookie23" wrote:The big thing is we're mostly hikers and back pack in. Don't like a million people.
If you're really big on the backpacking you might try the roadless area. I haven't been there personally. I have heard that the overall deer numbers are slightly lower, but I've seen pics of some dandy bucks come out of there. It's got more of a reputation for elk... but the bucks are definitely there.

I accompanied a buddy out there in 2010. We saw a bunch of deer, but we were generally disappointed with the bucks we saw (perhaps my personal expectations were too high). We saw a handful of small 3pts, 1 nice 3 pt, and the 4x4 that my buddy shot. We pretty much stayed attached to the ATVs. Here's is buck (I've shared it before): CoyoteLJ, that is a great buck.
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We will be hunting the last part of Oct. I've been told most of the deer have left the roadless area by then and headed down.