Book Cliffs Buck
8/6/11 6:42pm
So I am lucky enough to have a job that puts me out in the book cliffs for 8 days at a time and I LOVE it! The down side is that 90% of my time is spent in a pickup...... Today I saw a buck that I had seen only once before. The first time was last month and he was pushing 28-30" wide and had almost no height to him at all. Today was a different story! My first thought when I saw antlers was "young bull elk", then I quickly realized differently. Not only is he WIDE but he is TALL too. Both times I have seen him its been nothing but ass and antlers though and I havent been able to get a picture of him. Im sure other people are watching him, and I dont have a tag, so if you have a tag for the Book Cliffs send me a PM and ill do what I can to steer you in the right direction. Id much rather see a DIY hunter take him than a guided hunter. Ill also do what I can to get out and get some pics of him.
PM me with any specific questions you think I might be able to help with and I'd be glad to tell you what little I think I know. The one thing I do know though, for certain sure, is that was one HECKUVA fun hunt!
The buck I took isn't in nearly the same class as the one described above, but I'm happy with him - here's a pic.
- Dave
Nice and tall. =D>
If you're really big on the backpacking you might try the roadless area. I haven't been there personally. I have heard that the overall deer numbers are slightly lower, but I've seen pics of some dandy bucks come out of there. It's got more of a reputation for elk... but the bucks are definitely there.
I accompanied a buddy out there in 2010. We saw a bunch of deer, but we were generally disappointed with the bucks we saw (perhaps my personal expectations were too high). We saw a handful of small 3pts, 1 nice 3 pt, and the 4x4 that my buddy shot. We pretty much stayed attached to the ATVs. Here's is buck (I've shared it before): CoyoteLJ, that is a great buck.