Book Cliffs Mule Deer

Hey guys i am getting ready to head to the book cliffs this weekend to start scouting for the rifle hunt just wanted to know if anyone could give me some information on were to look and also to see if anyone had any pictures from out there this year or last year your help will be greatly
tivie85, welcome to MuleyMadness. Wish I could help ya but I've never hunted the area before. I know there are a couple folks familiar with the Books though and should be able to help ya out.
I ahd the rifle tag in 02 and scouted for three consecutive weekends before the hunt, every time I went out the deer were lower in elevation. Next time (wishfull thinking) I get that tag I'll just go a few days early and check it out around the north end of the unit. Send me a pm if you want some more info.
when i go down there i usually see more bigger bucks in the southern part then the northern
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i will definatly take all the advice i can get if any of you guys are down there though point me in the right direction
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well to be honest with you its pretty tough to scout a rifle tag down there because at the time of your hunt the bucks have migrated so for a rifle tag the best thing would be spend a few days down there before your hunt and find where your bucks are coming in. also the past year the southern end recieved massive pressure from the majority of the tag holders so if you could find someone who knows where they come in on the north end and get you pointed in the right direction i would believe you would see less hunters and a better quality of deer and with less hunters less people to compete with. but thats just my two cents