Book cliffs turkey pics

Some turkeys in the book cliffs last year." alt="" />" alt="" />
Nice, I think they are trying to hide from something, haha
Springville Shooter
Cool pic, I've shot turkeys that close before and it's a hair raising experience. Just a quick question for all of you out there. Has anyone ever knocked a turkey stone cold dead? I have shot dozens, some heads clean off, and they always flop all over the place. What's up with that?-----shooter
"Springville Shooter" wrote:Coole pic, I've shot turkeys that close before and it's a hair raising experience. Just a quick question for all of you out there. Has anyone ever knocked a turkey stone cold dead? I have shot dozens, some heads clean off, and they always flop all over the place. What's up with that?-----shooter
I think the flopping thing is Reflex, but I was watching on Youtube ( and some of them don't flop as much but they still do a little?
Springville Shooter
That's a cool vid, I've seen bow and shotgun hunters knock em stiff on TV, but in all my years I never have. I shot a Jake at about 6yds right in the head with a 3in load of copper plated #6 shot. The pattern was so tight that it completely decapitated him and he flopped all over the place and sprayed blood everywhere. I just think it's funny that I can knock a big mulie stiff almost every time with a bullet that is tiny in comparison to the size of the animal, yet a 2oz load of lead won't do it to a turkey. I've shot them with a bow as well and still, major floppage. Maybe the tom turkey is the toughest animal pound for pound. They are the only animal that has ever drawn blood on me.-------shooter
If you start shooting deer in the head you will start to see them doing the kickin chicken also.
"a_bow_nut" wrote:If you start shooting deer in the head you will start to see them doing the kickin chicken also.
haha I've never thought of it that way! but its true!
Springville Shooter
Interesting thought, have to try that theory out on the next antlerless tag I get. I've never been a head shooter on game, but I did work at a butcher shop when I was in high school and I've shot countless steers and pigs in the head. Another wierd thing. Steers always drop stiff, pigs always flop like a turkey with the same .22 to the brain. HMMMMM pork and turkey are both white meat. I wonder if there is a connection?------shooter