4/1/09 9:26am
I have been over to the bookclifs 2 times. the first time i was out there we were just drivin down the road and found a brown in the road. i had been seein some deer so i decided to do a little walkin i got off the road about 50 feet and 4-wheller tracks were there took another 50 and the same set of tracks out through the sage brush. after about 200 feet i was fed up and walked back to the truck. drove down the road and looked out the winder and there was a 4-wheeler out goin through the sage. this guy was a real prick. there was a road kinda over where he was headed so i stood down on it and tryed to catch up with this @$$ hole. unfortunatly he just ran his wheller out through the trees and tried out running me. well the day went on and i kept walking and looking. ended up finding 4 browns but because of this wheller he ruiend it for me. went back the next time and finally got out of the whellers found 21 old whites and no new browns this tells me that the deer heard is going down hill quick.
Yea, wheres the picts??
Here they are.