Boulder mountain archery elk hunt video

Hey I don't know if you guys have seen this video or not, but I just wanted to share it in case you haven't and hear your guys thoughts. I think it is pretty awesome how he held out and waited for that one bull and didn't shoot another bull after that one got away. Anyways lets hear your guys thoughts!
My thoughts is that's one of the coolest archery elk hunts I've EVER seen. I'm dumbfounded that he got another exact same encounter shot only 10 days later. Truly amazing and great capture on film.
My 13 year-old texted me and told me I have to watch this youtube elk hunt. I have to agree that it is amazing. This is one of the most well done hunt videos I've seen. I love the unscripted raw emotions. The highs, the low, the persistance. Awesome footage. I thank Eric Chesser for sharing his awesome hunt experience for us to live vicariously.
I agree. One of the coolest self filmed hunt I've seen. I could watch 50 of these hunts over most of the hunts on tv
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I agree with everything you guys said! Haha after I watched it the first time I found myself wanting to go back and watch it again just a few hours later! Ha it is an awesome hunting experience and it is captured excellently! It made me miss hunting season a ton! Not to mention that is an awesome bull on top of everything else! Lots of character!
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It is cool and true. To be an archery hunter and know how much time and effort it takes to harvest an animal with your bow, it really hits close to home. This is the true meaning of persistence and dedication. I also hunt the Boulders for deer on the archery hunt and I remember it raining ALL WEEK opening week that year. It made for a hard hunt.