Bow rest

I put whisker biscuit on my bow. Does anyone else use this? And do you like it?
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I had one once. It was ok, I didn't like the vanes making contact with the whiskers. It may or may not affect arrow flight, but I chose to switch to a fall away rest. The wife has the whisker biscuit now. It's easy for her to shoot with. The arrow stays put while she draws. Better for her.
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I had one. It was alright but my fletching was always getting torn up. once i got a drop away my bow shot a lot faster also. I now have the trophy ridge revolution and i have been very happy with it.
I love mine! It is one less thing to think about, one less moving part.
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Put a drop of glue at the front of each fletching and vanes stay on. For hunting I wouldn't switch from the bisquit as it has served me well.
I had a whisker biscuit for one season up until I realized how loud it was on a calm day when I drew back, and also it started to warp my vanes. Other than that it was great!
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I had one for a while as well, and have no complaints about it. I split an arrow shooting it, it doesn't move, and your arrow is never going to fall. It's a pretty foolproof design. I've moved to the QAD rest, and like it even more, but not sure why.