bow sling or straped to pack?
3/22/09 2:48pm
I usually carry my bow in my hand and my current packs don't have a place or are not quick and easy to get at bow
What pack has quick access or do you use a sling?
What pack has quick access or do you use a sling?
I to usualy just carry my bow in my hands unless I am hiking in the dark, or am done hunting, I have a Badlands pack and strap it on to there, however if you strap it on real tight then you can not get it off very quickly. I also have a Primos sling but I have not used it much, it does work pretty good though.
For me personally, I use both. If I am hunting an area that is 1-3 miles in and the chance of bumping something I will use my Primo's sling, this giving me freedom to use both hands but yet have my bow close enough for easy access if needed. I have found that I can pop off my sling and have any arrow knocked under 20 sec. as with anything being packed there will be alot of movement to deal with.
I have tried many packs and the one I keep going back to is BADLANDS, for an all dayer or a overnighter I use the 2200 or Superday, Both have a built in Gun / Bow sock that can be adjusted to fit almost any gun or bow. If I know I am going in on a trail that is shared by many I will clip it onto my pack. I can make better time with it on my back. With all of the adjustments on the BADLANDS packs it makes for a very comfortable trip in or out, not to mention how easy and quick it is to safely attach your bow or gun.
any pointers??
buckmaster, the 2200 has a strap for a bow? i just used the batwings to "hold" it in place
I just picked up a primos sling and will try it w/ BL4500 will have to look to see if daypack boot will clip to it