bow sling or straped to pack?

I usually carry my bow in my hand and my current packs don't have a place or are not quick and easy to get at bow
What pack has quick access or do you use a sling?
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I usually just carry it in my hand, but I've heard the Slingshot pack, can't remember who makes it the company starts with an E, is a great pack and gives quick access to your bow.
First off ::wel Goose

I to usualy just carry my bow in my hands unless I am hiking in the dark, or am done hunting, I have a Badlands pack and strap it on to there, however if you strap it on real tight then you can not get it off very quickly. I also have a Primos sling but I have not used it much, it does work pretty good though.
I carry my bow strapped to my backpack and use hiking poles. I hike in the dark around 2:00 am to get where I am going. Once I get there I dump the pack and hunt with the bow. I also return in the dark.
::wel ::wel

For me personally, I use both. If I am hunting an area that is 1-3 miles in and the chance of bumping something I will use my Primo's sling, this giving me freedom to use both hands but yet have my bow close enough for easy access if needed. I have found that I can pop off my sling and have any arrow knocked under 20 sec. as with anything being packed there will be alot of movement to deal with.

I have tried many packs and the one I keep going back to is BADLANDS, for an all dayer or a overnighter I use the 2200 or Superday, Both have a built in Gun / Bow sock that can be adjusted to fit almost any gun or bow. If I know I am going in on a trail that is shared by many I will clip it onto my pack. I can make better time with it on my back. With all of the adjustments on the BADLANDS packs it makes for a very comfortable trip in or out, not to mention how easy and quick it is to safely attach your bow or gun.
for those of you that strap it to your pack, do feel like when your going up steep terrain that you are gonna tip over backwards?? i strapped mine on once and that was it, never again. maybe i had it sitting to high but it about killed me

any pointers??

buckmaster, the 2200 has a strap for a bow? i just used the batwings to "hold" it in place

6x6 bull
I use a primos bow sling until I get where I think that I might see some game and then it comes off and I carry it.
9er, you are right, and thanks for the correction..... With the Badlands you can remove the sock from the superday and clip it onto the 2200. Because the 2200 is longer than the superday your bow fits into the pack system easier making for a comfortable hike. I use the sock to protect my cam.
Badlands 2200 pack with the superday sock clipped on.
Badlands 2200 pack with the superday sock clipped on.
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I just picked up a primos sling and will try it w/ BL4500 will have to look to see if daypack boot will clip to it