bow string question...

I just bought a new Quest Primal bow by G5 (which im extremely excited about talk about an awesome bow)

My question is, it comes with BCY 452X strings, which as far as I have read apparently have no creep/stretch, or almost none. Any guru out there who knows more? I really want to take it to the shop and get it tuned up to shoot, but am wondering if i should shoot quite a bit first to try and get whatever stretch might take place to happen before it's tuned....and if that is the case, how many shots do you take before getting it tuned, 50? 100? 200? I've always shot winners choice strings but hate to replace a brand new string without even using it.

I'm still hunting the extended and was going to wait until next season to hunt with it, but I'm not entirely sure I can wait lol.....pretty excited to get it dialed in.

what do you guys think?!

oh and for those of you who aren't familiar with the bow, I highly recommend you try shooting one, just be prepared you might leave the store with it.....that's what happened to me anyways!
BCY 452x string is used by a lot of string makers, including Winner's Choice. BCY Trophy is the upgrade. Then there are various servings, I believe Halo is one of the best. My America's Best string is BCY 452x, I believe.
Anyway, that's a good string, and I wouldn't replace it till it needs it. Where string makers differ is how they serve and pre-stretch the string. Some warranty for 6 months and some for a year. My string has not stretched since it was installed, and if yours does it won't be much. Shoot it about 500 times and see where it is.
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well i called the archery shop and asked them about it.....with that material his recommendation was to shoot it 100 times before tuning it just to be on the safe side. So yesterday I fired off 101 shots as fast as a I could and took it down there, hopefully if it stretches it doesnt happen for awhile......that bow sure is smooth I definately don't regret the purchase
You'll know if it stretches, your peep will rotate.
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so i am taking back the quest primal that had the string in question......i absolutely love the bow, extremely comfortable, great draw, fast and smooth shooting. however, something i didnt notice when i bought it, it has some horrible cam lean, like so bad im surprised the string stays on when i draw....there is really only so much that can be done for it as far as i the good news is cabelas is taking it back and tuesday i will be picking up my new hoyt rampage xt :)) if i had known they had this nice bow for $599 i would have gone with hoyt to begin with. lots of great things to say about that primal, but dealing with cam lean is not something im interested in
Cam lean isn't good, that's for sure. The issue would be repaired by Qwest if you wanted to stick with that program. But the Rampage is a great bow. It has the higher end cams and limbs with the diferent riser. You won't be sorry I suspect. If you're just etting into archery, I suggest you get Bernie Pellerite's book "Idiot Proof Archery". I wished I had.
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not just getting into archery, but in a sense i guess you could say i am.....back when i was younger and living in wisconsin i never shot over 20 yards, so its pretty easy to sight in and go hunting regardless if the bow is a bit out of that i live out in utah the last few years and shoot 50 60 70 yards...i've realized how much work can go into getting a bow fine in that sense i guess you could say im new to it.

ill have to look at the book see if it helps me any, for now the folks at wilde arrow do an awesome job at tuning and setting up my bow.....took my truth2 there earlier this year it was out of tune and shooting erratically, and now it shoots perfect.
The main issue most archer deal with is target panic! Unless you're "B" typer personality. I tried all sorts of different hardware. I finally realized what it was, and am in the process of fixing it.
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done with target panic now, i had that back when i was like 12 to 16 years old, but i had it bad, would get nervous before i shot, jerk the bow and punch the trigger, it was terrible. still killed some deer with my bow but missed too many back then...more so interested in learning about tuning my own bow as to not be so ignorant about it and having the range do it for me