Bowhunting Elk on the Pahvant?
1/18/11 11:05am
I have enough bonus points where I would be a guarantee to draw a tag on the Pahvant, I have been putting in for rifle, and i'm 4 years away from a guarantee there. Is it worth using all my points I have left to archery this unit? Any suggestions would be great.

1/26/11 6:02pm
I just talked to a buddy at work that hunted the Pahvant last year with a rifle. He's an archery hunter but drew a rifle expo tag. He said he would highly recommend this area. It shot a really nice bull, he's estimating right around a 380". He said it all depends on the weather, but that's true for any area. He said this would not be as hard an archery hunt as some of the other areas. And the great thing about the archery is you get the first crack at the big ones. There's nice bulls that come off this unit every year.

1/31/11 2:37pm
Have you looked at the harvest report for the Pahvant archery vs anyweapon? 32% for archery and 82% success for rifle. So the question you have to ask yourself is, do I want to kill a bull? If your primary concern is killing a bull go for rifle. I personally like the challenge of archery and the intimate nature of the weapon. That being said, I don't know how often I will get to after big bulls and have given some consideration to using a rifle. Tough call....let us know what you decide.