Bowhunting partner wanted, long post

Good morning. I'm looking for a bowhunting partner that's as obsessed at chasing deer & elk as I am. I'm 41 years old and I'm a lifelong Arizona resident. With the exception of quail hunting I only bowhunt. In an effort to hunt at my best I work hard at staying in shape, and I do not smoke or drink.

Every year I put in for archery elk in both Arizona and New Mexico, but usually end up hunting in Colorado and or Idaho where it's easier to get tags. While I very much enjoy chasing deer with my bow, I'm a certifiable elk nut. I love everything about them and simply cannot get enough.

I take off every year from August 25th through September 25th and try to have 2-3 different hunts lined out during that period. A normal year might be drawing a Colorado deer tag than doing a 10 day combo deer/elk hunt there followed by a 10 day Idaho elk hunt. Last year I started off with a great 10 day pack in Arizona archery deer hunt followed by a fantastic Colorado elk hunt. My dream season would be to draw bull tags in both Arizona and New Mexico but that's a very unlikely possibility. I would also like to do a couple of deer hunts in Nevada and or Utah.

In the past few years I have had some great deer and elk hunts both solo and with my son, but he recently started college and also has a new job so his hunting time is gone for a couple of years. I enjoy hunting with both my takedown recurve and my compound.

I'm in the minority in that I only do pack in type hunts. I will either pay an outfitter to pack in me and my gear than leave me while I hunt on my own, or more often than not I will do pack in backpack and bivouac style hunts on my own. I love the rough remote wilderness area's and the hunting opportunities that they provide. I have no interest in road hunting or hunting private ranches etc. I will normally pack in 4-10 miles on my hunts.

I consider myself a very ethical and responsible hunter, and take pride in that. I do not consider myself to be a trophy hunter in that I'm perfectly content to harvest any mature deer or elk with my bow. I research my hunt area's and put 100% effort into filling my tags, I'm very passionate about my hunts, and that's the kind of partner I'm looking for....Joe

Practice fair chase, leave no trace, take only high percentage shots.

::wel to MuleyMadness! You sound like a 'die hard' bow hunter for sure! I'm a school teacher and can't take or get the time off to do what you do and love. Sounds like you are very dedicated and committed, hope you find a good hunting partner.

In the meantime, welcome and lets see and hear some of your success pics/stories.
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I dont know about hardcore, I just love everything about the backcountry. Hope these pictures come through OK, Mr technology I'm not. :)
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I think being a school teacher is great, what grade do you teach? My daughter Kalyne is a junior this year, last one at home. I will try to get some more pictures up, I have a few nice mule deer pictures from this same hunt, lucky for them boys that I did not have a deer tag this year. :)
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Not the best picture ever taken, but I had these same bucks within 35 yards several days in a row on my elk hunt. :)

Teach 6th and 7th grade PE/Health - look forward to more pics. :thumb
JOE whats your number haha im a junior to lol jk
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Still looking for a partner? Sounds like you have the same passion for the back country as I do. I work at staying in shape year-round and shoot on a regular basis. I also play the tag game in several western states looking to spend much of Sept. bowhunting. Since I am self-employed, I can plan time off as needed. Really been bitten by the backcountry bug the last few years.