Box Elder pilot hunt
6/27/11 1:25pm
I was wondering if by any chance one of the members drew out for the box elder pilot hunt?

7/6/11 12:09am
I wish. Couldn't talk my old man into putting in for it... be probably would've drawn but he went with manti instead. So now we're heading south. I've spent some time out there the last couple years deer hunting and it seems like all we could find were elk. I was way impressed though. Nice little sleeper unit. Do you ever pick up any sheds out there? We went out and I only found a couple small antlers... good luck finding one of the four lucky hunters.

7/6/11 8:27am
I have picked up a few. It been a couple years since I have been looking for them. The heard hasn't been as good as it once was. Between the poachers and the wild horses I think they are slowing moving off the mountain. There are still some really nice elk up there. I've seen a good looming 7x8 up there the last 2 years I hope he makes it this year.

7/6/11 8:49am
Of the elk subject, I have a friend who drew that unit for Antelope, have you seen any good antelope bucks while you were out?

7/6/11 10:50pm
What I saw I can't imagine how it could be much better. I've seen a couple 350 -360 six points and a seven just as big... my buddy who took me out there has seen that bull you're talking about though. He said it makes the others look small. That would be a fun hunt, open country with good numbers of elk and a longer season.

7/7/11 8:11am
All the antelope I've seen have been in the southern part of the area. Wendover has a water treatment plant on lone tree pass. They always hang out within a couple miles of there. This morning I seen a heard of about 15 all bucks. It was the craziest I've never seen so many together. Most of them are little but there was two really nice bucks. Sorry to say that was in NV but only about 4 miles from the boarder.

7/7/11 11:23am
Thats awesome. I apply for that nevada antelope tag. Got a few points built up so maybe one of these years... that area is amazing who would think such a harsh environment would hold such trophy animals. Very few deer but I've seen a couple giants

7/8/11 7:52am
Thanks for the info JDavid glad there are a few out there. 4 miles isn't to far for them to move into Utah. Have you been on the north end of the pilot? There use to be a good population of antelope up that way too.

7/8/11 10:38am
I'm always on that mountain. I've seen them from wendover to lucin. Just more frequently around that water treatment plant, and the base of Patterson pass around the main road

7/8/11 3:12pm
We use to shoot a lot of chuckars just up from Patterson Pass.........

7/9/11 8:34pm
Where you from blc? If you don't mind me asking.

7/11/11 8:25am
I'm from Ogden, but growing up I spent a lot of time on the Grouse Creek range hunting and also I've spent a good amount of time down on the Pilot...

7/12/11 8:45pm
I hunted deer out there a couple of years ago and saw some dandies. Elk that is big 0 on deer.

7/15/11 4:55pm
cubbyut its a hard mountain to hunt deer but they are there and when you find them they are DANDIES.....or a little 2 point :)