Breaking in a new rifle?

Just wondering what you experts out there suggest for breaking in a new barrel. I have been told that it takes about 100 rounds and to get to 100 I should take and for the first 5 shots clean the barrel after every shot. Then shoot 5 consecutive shots and clean it good. Then 10 consecutive shots and clean it. Then 20 till I get to 100 rounds.

I have also been told to take and use Moly coated bullets for at least those first 100 rounds.

What do you guys do?
Snake River Marksman
The process of "breaking in" a rifle involves two things. First and least important is that everything is getting seated in. The action is mating into the bedding of the stock and all of the metal parts are getting pressured, vibrated, and jolted into place. There is nothing that you can or should do about that. Second and more importantly, the bullets going down the barrel are smoothing out the tool marks left from rifling the barrel. In order for this to happen you need friction so you do not want to use moly coated bullets. The process you describe is as good as most any other. Just be sure that you are removing all of the copper at each cleaning stage.

There is a fair amount of debate as to the value of breaking in a barrel. Most agree that the biggest benefit is a barrel that fouls less and is thus easier to clean. I myself don't worry about it, but I'd never tell anyone who had a mind to not to do it.
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I usually clean a new barrel until spotless. I will fire a 3 shot group and then clean it profusely. I will repeat this process a dozen or so times. Be careful to let the barrel cool between shots because I believe heat and throat erosion to be more of an accuracy theif than lack of break in period. I will document the groups from the very beginning to see when it starts settling in. Most rifles start shooting their best at around 150-200 rounds. Not very scientific, but that is what I do. Good luck!
jared, I just ran across this article and I feel it contains the best information for you.
It will help you understand what "break-in" is trying to accomplish.