Bremerton, Washington

Well I'm here in Bremerton, WA until about middle to late October 2010. I should have a couple random days off and I am dying to get out and do some fishing or something if the opportunity arises. I called a couple charters yesterday and some said they might be able to fit me in and some might not, all of them said they're catching next to no fish lately though and this is supposedly the good time of year to fish they claim. Maybe it will turn on one day soon and they'll start biting. I'm fine with goin fishin and not catching anything but to pay $200+ to do it seems hard to justify right now. Still if It's all I find I might try harder to make it happen.

My reason for posting here is to ask if anyone is near the area and does a little fishing or wants to try their luck. I can compensate by paying my own expenses and maybe a nice dinner somewhere after or whatever, but I'm not lookin' to go broke doin' this. It seems like Salmon is the most common to fish for, which would be awesome as I've never even tried to fish for Salmon. also I hear more towards Forks, WA on the coast there's some good Steelhead fishing which would also be very awesome and something I've wanted to do for a while. Really anything though. I'm down to wade a river, float a river, troll in a boat, lake or ocean, whatever. Or hell if you live in the area we'll charter a boat together.

Feel free to e-mail, text message, or call me anytime of day or night. If I have my phone by me I'll answer but I can't carry it while I work here. And I'm switching on and off of graveyard shifts and daytime, so I can't easily say when is a good time to call. Thanks guys n gals.



Regardless of anything Washington seems so great so far. The temperature is perfect all day every day (so far). Yeah it rains but it's not pouring and it's not constant. And it's outstanding being by some mountains and pine trees for a change! the east coast was getting a little old :)