Broadhead Suggestions
5/22/13 9:09pm
Looking for a fixed blade broadhead, used mechanics and have had nothing but problems. I need sugestions to what everything thinks of fixed blade Broadheads. Hunting elk this year. I have looked into G5 montecs and they seem like there a pretty all around broadhead to use this year, whats everyone think?

5/25/13 7:21am
I own g5s Montecs. They are a decent broadhead. Easy to sharpen and pretty bullet proof. I switched to Grim Reapers a couple of years ago and haven't looked back. I have had 3 for 3 pass throughs leaving holes the size of windows, broken ribs on both sides of the cage(in and out). They are amazingly accurate. I know you didn't want to hear that, but you may want to reconsider. Good luck!

5/27/13 1:08am
I shoot Muzzys. Even at 310 fps I don't have a problem with them never have and they do the job everytime. I've heard good things about the G5's too but the price has kept me from buying them. Wac'ems I've heard are also pretty good.