Brother in Laws whitey

I did not take a buck this year but did harvest four nice does which we are really in need of for management purposes. I have to say I had more bucks in the 120 class then I have ever seen in front of me this year but never an opportunity at at really good mature buck. That is except a 160 class (woulda been) half rack I let pass.

My brother in law and hunting partner took this fine ten and thought I would share a pic of the buck." alt="" />" alt="" />

He had taken off a few days and was hunting alone and when I walked in the door one night from work he calls. "I got a nice one and need help" Well, our spot is an hour from my house so I hop in the truck and head his direction. Yes, of course the deer die at the bottom of the canyon. Long story short I made it home after midnight smelling of a rut crazed buck. But, I am always happy to help retrieve an animal because next it may be mine.

Anyway, a very nice big mature whitetail.
Thats an awesome buck!! Congrats to him! Sucks you didnt get a good one though.. I agree with ya on the helping retrieve, i didnt harvest anything this year but i did haul plenty off the hill!!
Sweet buck, looks very nice. Thanks for posting him up.
That's a dandy of a buck. Tell him Congrats.
Great whitey! Thanks for the pics!