Brownies Already?
12/13/07 9:57pm
I have a buddy thats just getting into the outdoor scene. The other day he showed me a shed he had found a couple weeks ago, and it was a brownie! I'm just wondering if any one else has found any brownies this early/late in the year.
I've never seen 'em shed this early, there's still hunts going on for heaven's sake!!
Earliest i've ever seen was new years day in Utah County, but i guess anything's possible. (???)
Starts in the West and moves East, Don't know why, just the way it works.
Digger:: The games on.. who finds the biggest shed this year!!
You can cry on my shoulder when you loose!! :))
Seen any BIG bucks while on your Bison hunt?
We have seen some real nice bucks but none of the huge monsters. The nice ones that we have seen have been between 28 to 32 inches wide and nice tall typical four points. There have been a couple that looked like older bucks that had some trash but the main frame wasn't much to talk about. talked to one set of guys that said that they saw one that was around thirty six wide and was a six by eight. I'm up to seven points for deer so if I'm real lucky I'll get a tag in the next ten years. [-o<
All of these bucks looked like monsters to me.
And a opportunity, for You to share some adventures. :thumb
How big was the buck? Id love to go with you unless you are scared of taken me. I have alot of places to go up here you are more than welcome to go but you cant beat me to them next year..
know of any good places to go bobcat hunting? I found 2 sets of old tracks on Christmas but by the time I found them it was getting dark, and tired dogs. I bought me a new gun, maybe we will have to have a rabbit slayer contest too..
I will pm you my number so when you go lookin for sheds give me a shout.
HAHAHAHA!!! NICE ONE!!! :)) Except that would be a :nono: