Buck Down!!
10/27/10 4:49pm
I was successful in taking a deer this year in my home state of Colorado. After three days of hunting elk in some miserable weather I was able to get my dad and my lady tagged out, and it was time for me to chase deer. Well yesterday was a busy day of work for me, so I didn't get to go out in the morning. In the evening, I was debating on whether or not to go out since I was whooped from work and elk hunting. I thought I should just stay in and rest up. About that time my dad, who is visiting from PA, said he was going go for a ride and do some glassing around the property. I sucked it up knowing that I wouldn't find a deer sprawled out on the couch, so I got my gear together and we went out. We were headed up a ridge in the truck when I saw some elk below me in a draw. I started glassing them, just to see if there were any nice bulls...there weren't. I just happened to turns the Swarovskis on down the draw towards a pond to see what I could see, and there he was. He was feeding on top of the pond bank, along with 3 other decent bucks. I got set up, ranged him at 569 yds, and dialed my scope in. He was just about to crest over to the back side of the bank when the 7STW barked fire. The sun was perfect as I could see hair blow out his far side as the Scirocco bullet found it's mark. He went down and rolled over the bank out of sight. I got down to where I last saw him, and there he was. I got him. Good thing I decided to go out! He is my best buck to date a true trophy to me. He is a 4x5, with the cheater being broken off a little. He has a couple TINY drops coming off of one antler, and a bunch of trash around his bases. 28" Any thoughts of what he may gross score? I am guessing 170ish???? I am doing a euro mount on him as I type this, and I will rough score him myself. Will let you guys know what I come up with.

http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc192/sethrozic/Hunting/DSCN1291.jpg " alt="" />

http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc192/sethrozic/Hunting/DSCN1289.jpg " alt="" />

http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc192/sethrozic/Hunting/DSCN1295.jpg " alt="" />

http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc192/sethrozic/Hunting/DSC00819.jpg " alt="" />

That my friend is a BEAUTY! Gorgeous looking deer. 10sign:
I'll throw out a score of 176", possibly just a tad more.
If I count all the little daggers and stickers, he is 188 1/8, but those points aren't long enough to be considered "points" by their definitions. At any rate he far exceeds what I thought it was going to be!