Buck Fever?
8/17/09 8:40pm
After missing a four point on Sunday morning I realized that I got buck fever really bad and needed to calm myself down before shooting. The deer had no idea that I was even there. What do you guys do to calm yourself down before you let the arrow rip.
Still do, but it's more under control now, I think. :)
You have to talk to yourself long BEFORE the shot and then do the ssme during.
Next time you'll calmly squeeze the trigger and come away with some tasty back straps. It's all about learning and improving.
Now its a different rush, after you kill one, it all changes, you no longer"Think or HOPE" you will hit one, but you "KNOW" you will kill it, it changes your whole entire outlook and thought processes. You change from a hunter to a killer.
The first time I had a bull elk inside 20 yards with my bow and tag in hand I could NOT even stand up! let alone draw my bow! I had jello knees couldn't breathe, and could hardly stand. . .thats how bad it was, I chuckled in disbelief! And watched my bull walk away. (I killed him half hour later after one helluva stalk though)
Now I just try to maintain my breathing and pick a spot, once you decide if he is a shooter or not, don't look at his antlers again, only find that spot! Think about the spot and not peeking. . . breathe. . ..pick a spot, follow thru . . . . breathe, pick a spot, follow thru. . . .
But if you ever lose the feeling and rush, hang it up. :thumb
The best practice for buck fever is shooting in tournaments. You know if you miss the dot or the 12 ring you might be out of the competition this simulates the same shot as a big buck, especially if you have a 4-wheeler on the line or a couple of hundred dollars riding on the shot.
If you have a shot routine and run it in times like this you will make the shot under pressure.