Buck Pics

How wide do you think the biggest one is the one on right, I'm thinking 24. Hope you enjoy.
http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w22/katoradealbum/Picture004.jpg" alt="" />
http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w22/katoradealbum/Picture025.jpg" alt="" />
http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w22/katoradealbum/Picture028.jpg" alt="" />
Springville Shooter
I think that he might be a tad bigger than that, bachelor groups are one of natures most awesome sights.----SS
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Is he the same buck as in pic#2? If so im thinkin your lookin at 22" at the biggest but that is pushin it. To me he dont look bigger than his ears so unless he has some giant ears on him i don tthink he would push past the 22" mark but i could be wrong.
I'd say 24" is about right.
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The buck in the second pic is a different buck that joined the group a little later, the biggest one has eye guards.
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"Sniper1" wrote:Is he the same buck as in pic#2? If so im thinkin your lookin at 22" at the biggest but that is pushin it. To me he dont look bigger than his ears so unless he has some giant ears on him i don tthink he would push past the 22" mark but i could be wrong.

I believe sniper is correct....hes barely past his ears so I'd say 19" to 22" but 22" would be pushin it....
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"katorade" wrote:The buck in the second pic is a different buck that joined the group a little later, the biggest one has eye guards.
Ok well then on that note the bigger bucks has a bigger frame now that i look close. Pretty tall and to his ears. I would go with 24" on him. Either way my arrow would in flight i believe with this guy
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Yeah, this buck just looks good, I have over 50 pics of him and his buddies, so I could try and judge points, because I only had binos and they were so far away. He's either a 3 by 3 or a 3 by 4. Either way I like his frame and how he has atleast some eye guards. Unless I see something different the night before the hunt I will be hunting him opening morning.
Hopefully when I get back from the hunt will know how wide he really is, or his dad.
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Nice pics. IMO wider than 22. Hope you get to take one. :thumb
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I would say 24" on the money. Looks to be right at the tip of those ears. Good buck and good luck!