Buck Twins??

So I get some photos of a one of a kind buck, a 4 x 1. Big blady spike on one side. Kinda cool right, well a few days later I am back in the exact same area and see the buck again. But something doesn't seem right, I thought I must be losing my mind because I thought the spike was on the other side. I pass it off as I am getting old and can't remember very well, besides there is no way there are two identical bucks like that.. :-k or so I thought. Well I am happy to say I am not losing my mind, at least not on this particular point. :))

The proof is in the pictures, I think they must be Twins.. what do you guys think?
Dang, that's just strange. Dunno about twins, but its like looking in a mirror! Thanks for posting that up! (???)
Definitely pretty rare IMO. Pretty cool stuff, thanks for posting them up. I have no clue on twins either, maybe so?
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Pretty crazy and unique regardless of the reason why. Thanks for sharing.
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Looks pretty awesome to me! Very unique for sure... I bet they share genes somehow.
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That is neat. I've seen them too. I also just did some research on this topic for a bio paper I had to write. Turns out that yes twin bucks do exsist but can have very different antler configurations, or can be very similar. I'll have to see if I can find some of the data I had and post it up here later when I have more time. I do remember that a good percentage of twin bucks share almost identical mass measurements and overall antler configuration, such as 4 point frame etc, but can have very different measurements in tine length and such.
Big Moose
My guess is that one of them has been spreading the genes around. They are definitely related. Kind of cool though. They are both older class bucks.
