Bugle Question

I was out yesterday and I didn't see an elk or hear a bugle, and neither did my friend in an entirely different part of the unit. That was a huge change from Monday when they were screaming their guts out. Is this normal during the rut? Anyone have any good guesses as to whats up?
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I don't know where you're hunting, but up here in Montana the weather has been very hot the last few days and that's impacted the elk activity, including bugling. During the early part of the week they were bugling and we were able to call them in regularly but as the week went on things slowed down a lot. Maybe there are other factors involved as well including hunting pressure, but I believe the weather had a lot to do with it.
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I got a call from some friends that are hunting in Colorado. They were desperate for info because the elk are silent right now and they want to call up the big one. It's hot and dry and things are depressing. It can change quickly though. Physical toughness is mandatory if you hunt elk. Mental toughness is priceless.
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Thanks for the replys. The weather here has been the same or gotten a little cooler as the week has gone on. I know the elk are there just, have to find them. The area I was in is getting hit pretty hard by rifle hunters, so hopefully the few days between the end of that hunt and the beginging of mine will be good.