Bullet weight question?
8/30/09 9:01pm
I am new to muzzleloader hunting and will be hunting deer with my 45 cal. muzzle loader this year but i have a question. What is the recommended bullet w/ sabot weight with 2 fifty grain pyrodex pellets for mule deer hunting? any info will help greatly! :-k
As for bullet weight, you really need to get out to the range with a variety of bullet weights and find out which weight your rifle likes best.
I had an X-150 and heres some info that may interest you for later on after hunting season,
good post !!
I pretty much did the same to my Encore , but added a few washers in the forearm screw holes ( they are to big for the screws) filled the butt stock with foam and added shims to the side of the butt stock to fill the gap . Added a 1x hinge pin from Bellm . SLIPPED RIGHT ON IN !!! . Also i added a stronger locking bar spring . My encore and many i have looked at , have play/slop between the barrel and receiver even when locked closed . If i can push in a 1x hinge pin into both the barrel and the receiver then TC has the tolerances toooo big , same for the forearm and but stock crews/bolt holes . When i close my encore NOW it goes CLUNK and that baby is solid !! 10sign: Also my Butt stock and forearm never come loose !!