Bullet weight question?

I am new to muzzleloader hunting and will be hunting deer with my 45 cal. muzzle loader this year but i have a question. What is the recommended bullet w/ sabot weight with 2 fifty grain pyrodex pellets for mule deer hunting? any info will help greatly! :-k
Not sure what state you are going to be hunting but make sure you check the regs. I know of one state that does not allow sabots and pelletized powder.

As for bullet weight, you really need to get out to the range with a variety of bullet weights and find out which weight your rifle likes best.
It seems to be that each setup has its own potion that works just right. As for my personal experience, I like 100 grains of pyrodex with 240 grain Precision Rifle's Dead Center in my Omega. You will likely get 9 different combinations from 10 Omega shooters as there are many variables and preferences, no right answers; some just more better than others j/k. Good luck! It gets a little pricey to try a lot of different ones, but give us more information as to your setup and I would focus on those who have more similar rifles to yours.
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Im shooting a Winchester x-150 45 caliber with a 1:28" twist. I will be hunting mule deer in the northern region of utah. Just trying to figure out what size bullet is right for mule deer cause i dont want too big of a Bullet and have an over kill and i dont wanna shoot a bullet to small for mule deer so im just trying to get a ruff estimate of how heavy my bullet should be for mule deer. Right now i have 275 grain powerbelt hollow points and im shooting 100 grains of pyrodex pellets. Does my current setup sound too large for a deer? any info will help thanks.
I know a guy who made a good clean kill on a mule deer at 70yd with a 195 gr hollow point and 70gr of pyrodex. It did the job but 70yds was his max range do to lack of power, this was also max load for the loader. The bullet went through the deer but did not exit. With your described load I would guess your max range is somewhere around 125-150yds, if your good with that range use that load if you want more range use more powder. Check your owners manuel for max load before you up the powder.
That load is PERFECT! :thumb

I had an X-150 and heres some info that may interest you for later on after hunting season,
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"FrontierGander" wrote:That load is PERFECT! :thumb

I had an X-150 and heres some info that may interest you for later on after hunting season,

good post !!

I pretty much did the same to my Encore , but added a few washers in the forearm screw holes ( they are to big for the screws) filled the butt stock with foam and added shims to the side of the butt stock to fill the gap . Added a 1x hinge pin from Bellm . SLIPPED RIGHT ON IN !!! . Also i added a stronger locking bar spring . My encore and many i have looked at , have play/slop between the barrel and receiver even when locked closed . If i can push in a 1x hinge pin into both the barrel and the receiver then TC has the tolerances toooo big , same for the forearm and but stock crews/bolt holes . When i close my encore NOW it goes CLUNK and that baby is solid !! 10sign: Also my Butt stock and forearm never come loose !!
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Thank you guys for all the helpful information. one more question do you guys think my current load ( 100 grains of pyrodex pellets and a 275 grain slug) is big enough to take down an elk?
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Nevermind i found the powerbelt bullet website and it has a bullet selction chart that tells you what bullet size and type is best for each animal you are hunting but once again thanks for everything. :thumb
For elk I'd Hightly recommend that you go up to the 300gr Platinum.