
Since this is the any and everything section I am going to cut loose a little.

I lost a friend last week. I went from K through 12th grade with this friend and had a ton of fun and great memories of him. Like most often after high school we all go our separate ways to college, marriage, raise families and those childhood friends fade away.

David was one of the funnest people to be around and I can say every single thing I ever did with him was fun. Never a dull moment always happy joking and just enjoying our youth.

Davids life since high school I guess was not so great having lost his little brother and then six weeks ago his dad. He had many other struggles and problems and his life had spiraled out of control. Last week he got so drunk his organs shut down and he passed away. He was basically homeless,jobless,and completely hopeless.

After his obit was posted in the paper I went to the newspaper website where they have a guest book to sign and leave messages. At last count he had some 70 plus entries all with the same fond memories as mine. I attended a memorial today at his brothers house where another 20 or some of my old school mates almost all I have not seen since high school. It was not formal but more of a wake type gathering where we all just talked about all the good time we had and how nobody had seen one another or David for many years.

I couldn't help but think about how all those entries and school mates at his memorial might have made an impression on David and his pain and hopelessness. It is the way of life I guess, although I have a hard time accepting that somehow.

I do know his passing brought back many many great memories for me and many others. And it brought some of back together we had not seen in years.

This is my 30th year since graduating from high school..I missed my tenth because I lived a long way away at the time and could not make it work. For my twentieth I was on an elk hunt.
I am not going to miss my thirtieth.

Thanks for letting me spill.
Im sorry to hear about your loss southwind. I to have had two of my friends pass away unexpectedly over the past year. One of them was accidently shot and the other drowned. Im glad though that i was able to make friends that had a life long effect on me and i will alway cherish those moments with them, and to me they will always live on in my heart and mind.
southwind, that is a tough one, no doubt. I feel for ya my friend. I lost one of my best friends around 17 years ago. I still think of him and grieve often. May God comfort you, especially at this time of loss.
Man I'd be bummed also, tough story and not a fun way to go. Guess the memories of the good times is what matters most and to focus on. The opposite would depress anyone IMO.
Sorry to hear about your loss of a friend.
Thanks for the comments and platform.

To everything there is a season.