one hunting fool
7/15/15 4:33pm
I got out this weekend and did a little long range practice ( well long range for me 300-400 yards) just wanted to get my 308 A-bolt dialed in. on the road to where i was shooting I could not help but notice all the Jackrabbits running around the highway. I got to say not exaggerating over 300 in a 5 mile stretch. so i went back out the next day before sunrise and set up in a dirt field on the edge of the sage brush and waited for sunrise. I spotted no less than 40 bunnies in the field and put my sighting in job to the test. Lets just say that is the most fun i have had in a long time. it really got my breathing skills honed in aiming at something so small at 400 plus yards. my furthest kill was 608 yards from my portable shooting table. it took an average of 3 shots per bunny and i shot 30 shells before my arm was bruised up so bad i started to jerk the trigger. I even for a few rabbits with my pistol walking trough the brush to put any out that might have been wounded but not dead.
I plan another trip soon!
I plan another trip soon!