Butterfield Buck Baiters
6/30/07 10:23pm
I took the family on a little drive to see some bucks in the fields around Butterfield Canyon tonight. I was disapointed that we only saw a handful of bucks. I was interested in a buck that has about a 6 inch dropper forming so I watched him and 3 of his buddies cross a green alpha alpha field right into a backyard... What??? So I did some more inspecting to see that this house has two five gallon barrels field with oats that the deer had tipped over or some sort of bait that they loved. They also had two bait blocks sitting in their back yard. Looks like they are going to be able to keep those deer coming in until the bow hunt in a couple of weeks. Is this legal???
What is the point in shooting an animal in your back yard and bragging because you shot this monster trophy? That wouldn't be a trophy. A trophy is not measured by the rack alone, but also by the experience. A little fork-horn can be a great trophy to someone who truly works for it. Let the animal go and live wild. Let someone hunt him in a fair chase situation. This kind of stuff bothers me and I just wish people would use more common sense and leave nature to take care of nature. Sure they are cool to look at but for hecks sake buy some binoculars and a fourwheeler and get out of the dang house.
-One mans rant-
These "idiot's" (IMO) are feeding these deer like they are pets.
They have NO idea of the long term damage they are causing by hand feeding these deer. The deer numbers will undoubtedly grow in because of the feeding and easy opportunity for a free meal without effort. Then comes wintertime and high numbers of animals, along with all the cars that travel that area.....not too mention the high cougar population that follow the deer.
I say "NO" to what they are doing and the F&G needs to be notified. I guarantee they will put a stop to this for sure. :nono: